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dc.contributor.advisorDjuita, Nina Ratna
dc.contributor.advisorAriyanti, Nunik Sri
dc.contributor.authorBrilyanita, Tiarana
dc.description.abstractTumbuhan berbunga menghasilkan polen dengan karakter morfologi yang bervariasi. Informasi mengenai polen dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi, penelitian genetika, sumber bukti taksonomi, serta perubahan evolusi pada tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan karakter morfologi polen yang berasal dari tumbuhan legum di kampus IPB, Dramaga. Pengamatan morfologi polen dilakukan terhadap 20 spesies tumbuhan dari famili Fabaceae. Pengambilan dan pengoleksian bunga dilakukan dengan metode jelajah di beberapa wilayah kampus IPB, Dramaga. Sediaan mikroskop sampel polen dibuat dengan metode asetolisis standar. Karakter morfologi polen yang diamati meliputi unit polen, bentuk polen dari sisi polar dan ekuatorial, indeks P/E, ukuran polen, tipe aperture, dan ornamentasi eksin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentuk polen dari sisi polar dan ekuatorial pada sebagian spesies tumbuhan legum berupa circular dan circular oval. Ukuran polen yang diamati sangat bervariasi yaitu berukuran sangat kecil hingga sangat besar. Hasil pengukuran polen berdasarkan indeks P/E memiliki nilai >1,00. Tipe aperture yang dijumpai sangat bervariasi meliputi monoporate, tetraporate, tricolpate, tricolporate, dan triporate. Ornamentasi eksin yang ditemukan berupa psilate, reticulate, dan scabrate. Kata kunci: aperture, asetolisis, Fabaceae, ornamentasi eksin, ukuran polenid
dc.description.abstractFlowering plants produce pollen with varied morphology characteristics. Pollen information can be used for identification, genetic research, taxonomic evidence sources, and evolutionary changes in plants. This study aimed to identify the pollen morphology characteristic of legume plants from the IPB campus, Dramaga. Pollen grains morphology observations were carried out on 20 species of the family Fabaceae. The collection and collection of flowers are carried out by the roaming method in several areas of the IPB campus, Dramaga. Pollen sample microscopy was prepared by the acetolysis standard method. The morphological characters of pollen grain observed were pollen unit, pollen shape from polar and equatorial view, P/E index, pollen size, aperture type, and exine ornamentation. The observations result showed that the pollen shape from the polar and equatorial of some species of legumes plant was circular and circular oval. The size of pollen grains varied greatly, from very small to very large sized. The results of the pollen measurement based on the P/E index had a value >1.00. The types of aperture found varied including monoporate, tetraporate, tricolpate, tricolporate, and triporate. Exine ornamentation is found in the form of psilate, reticulate, and scabrate. Keywords: acetolysis, aperture, exine ornamentation, Fabaceae, pollen sizeid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleMorfologi Polen pada Tumbuhan Legum di Kampus IPB, Dramagaid
dc.title.alternativePollen Morphology of Legume Plants in IPB University Campus, Dramagaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordexine ornamentationid
dc.subject.keywordpollen sizeid

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