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dc.contributor.authorAnam, Faiz Khoerul
dc.description.abstractUnit usaha keripik ubi ungu Desa Ciloto merupakan unit usaha yang memproduksi keripik yang saat ini mulai banyak digemari masyarakat, sebagai makanan ringan (snack). Terdapat beberapa masalah pada tata letak ruang produksi yaitu terdapat dwifungsi ruang produksi dengan pesantren, ketidaksesuaian allowance, area kerja terpisah, adanya backtracking, dan higienitas tempat produksi. Permasalahan tersebut menyebabkan produksi keripik ubi ungu belum maksimal dan belum memenuhi standar CPPOB (Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan Yang Baik). Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi usulan tata letak kepada rumah produksi keripik ubi ungu Desa Ciloto. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ulang tata letak pada penelitian ini adalah BLOCPLAN (Block Layout Overview with Layout Planning). Hasil dari penelitian berupa prototipe tata letak ruang produksi sejumlah 5 departemen/ruang produksi keripik ubi ungu dengan luas total ruang produksi sebesar 53,63 m2 total jarak penanganan bahan 78,48 m dan efisiensi tata letak sebesar 0,
dc.description.abstractThe Purple Sweet Potato Chips business unit in Ciloto Village is a business unit that produces chips which are now starting to be popular with the public, as snacks. There are several problems in the layout of the production room, namely there is a dual function of the production room with a boarding school, inappropriate allowances, separate work areas, backtracking, and hygiene of the production site. This problem causes the production of purple sweet potato chips has not been maximized and has not met the CPPOB standard (Good Processed Food Production Methods). This study aims to provide recommendations for the layout of the purple sweet potato chips production house in Ciloto Village. The method used in redesigning the layout in this study is BLOCPLAN (Block Layout Overview with Layout Planning). The results of the study were in the form of a prototype production room layout of 5 departments/rooms for purple sweet potato chips production with a total production area of 53.63 m2, a total material handling distance of 78.48 m and a layout efficiency of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDesain Tata Letak Ruang Produksi dan Peralatan pada Rumah Produksi Keripik Ubi Ungu Desa Cilotoid
dc.title.alternativeDesign of layout Production Room and Equipment at the Purple Potato Chips Production House in Ciloto Villageid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPurple Sweet Potato Chipsid

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