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dc.contributor.advisorSailah, Illah
dc.contributor.authorSalim, Abdurrahman
dc.description.abstractAgroindustri merupakan proses untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam suatu unit usaha hasil pertanian. Unit usaha dRash Kriuu terpilih sebagai unit usaha yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Desain kemasan produk dRash Kriuu menggunakan standing pouch berbahan plastik PP(Polypropylene) yang dinilai kurang menarik serta jangkauan pasar kurang luas sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari eksplorasi, pendefinisian masalah, ideasi, pengembangan prototipe dan validasi. Hasil dari penelitian berupa prototipe desain kemasan baru, 4 alternatif kemasan baru, HPP setiap alternatif kemasannya dan akun instagram yang informatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian prototipe desain kemasan baru dapat menarik perhatian konsumen karena desain grafis kekinian dan premium, strategi pemasaran yang dapat digunakan yaitu media sosial karena dinilai sebagai media untuk mengenalkan
dc.description.abstractAgro-industry is a process to increase added value in a business unit of agricultural products. The dRash Kriuu business unit was selected as a potential business unit to be developed. The packaging design for dRash Kriuu products uses a standing pouch made of PP (Polypropylene) plastic which is considered less attractive and has a less broad market reach so it needs to be repaired. The method used consists of exploration, problem definition, ideation, prototype development, and validation. The results of the research are in the form of a new packaging design prototype, 4 new packaging alternatives, HPP for each packaging alternative, and an informative Instagram account. Based on the results of the study, the prototype of the new packaging design can attract the attention of consumers because of the contemporary and premium graphic design, the marketing strategy that can be used is social media because it is considered as a medium to introduce
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDesain Kemasan dan Pemasaran Digital Produk Keripik Ubi Ungu pada Rumah Produksi di Desa Cilotoid
dc.title.alternativePackaging Design and Digital Marketing of Purple Sweet Potato Chips at a Production House in Ciloto Villageid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDigital marketingid
dc.subject.keywordpackaging designid
dc.subject.keywordpurple sweet potato chipsid

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