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dc.contributor.advisorHambali, Erliza
dc.contributor.authorSilalahi, Millinia Gabriella
dc.description.abstractBandrek yang diproduksi oleh PT Liza Herbal Internasional dengan merek dagang “Starbandrek” mengalami penurunan penjualan. Permasalahan ini merujuk pada teori product life cycle yaitu tahap decline. Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan pengembangan inovasi produk sejenis untuk memperpanjang daur hidup produk. Bandrek Sigeulis merupakan serbuk minuman bandrek yang terbuat dari jahe merah, cabai jawa, kayu manis, dan cengkih. Bahan tambahan yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dan keunikan bandrek yaitu non dairy creamer sawit. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif. Penelitian dibagi menjadi beberapa fase, yaitu fase eksplorasi, fase pendefinisian masalah, fase ideasi, fase pengembangan prototipe serta fase validasi. Formula minuman bandrek yang diperoleh dari uji organoleptik adalah 50 gram jahe, 8 gram rempah, 40 gram gula pasir, penambahan gula aren sebanyak 13% dan penambahan krimer sebanyak 6,45%. Bandrek krimer memiliki kadar air 1,01% dan kadar abu 1,01% sesuai dengan SNI serbuk minuman tradisional. Hasil penelitian berhasil menghasilkan formula terbaik dengan kemasan baru yang lebih disukai konsumen, proses produksi yang efisien, tata letak produksi yang efisien, dan hasil analisis usaha bandrek krimer yang dinilai layak berdasarkan aspek finansial karena memiliki B/C ratio >
dc.description.abstractBandrek produced by PT Liza Herbal Internasional with the trademark “Starbandrek” experienced a decline in sales. This problem refers to the product life cycle theory, namely the decline stage. Therefore, the development of similar product innovations is carried out to extend the product life cycle. Bandrek Sigeulis is a bandrek drink made from red ginger, Javanese chili, cinnamon, and cloves. Additional ingredients that can increase the added value and uniqueness of bandrek are palm non dairy creamer. The method used is quantitative method. The research is divided into several phases, namely the exploration phase, the problem definition phase, the ideation phase, the prototype development phase and the validation phase. The bandrek drink formula obtained from the organoleptic test is 50 grams of ginger, 8 grams of spices, 40 grams of granulated sugar, the addition of 13% palm sugar and the addition of 6.45% creamer. Bandrek creamer has a water content of 1.01% and an ash content of 1.01% in accordance with the SNI for traditional beverage powders. The results of the research succeeded in producing the best formula with new packaging that is preferred by consumers, an efficient production process, an efficient production layout, and the results of an analysis of the creamer bandrek business which were considered feasible based on the financial aspect because it has a B/C ratio >
dc.description.sponsorshipPT Liza Herbal Internasionalid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi Minuman Bandrek Non Dairy Creamer Sawit di PT Liza Herbal Internationalid
dc.title.alternativePalm Creamer Bandrek Drink Formulation at PT Liza Herbal
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordnon dairy creamerid

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