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dc.contributor.advisorWinasa, I Wayan
dc.contributor.advisorHindayana, Dadan
dc.contributor.authorFau, Helmi Delsia
dc.description.abstractAphis gossypii Glover merupakan hama penting yang menyerang tanaman cabai dengan cara menusuk dan mengisap cairan tanaman dan juga berperan sebagai vektor virus penyakit tanaman. Selain kutudaun, keberadaaan predator di lahan juga berperan penting dalam pengendalian kutudaun secara alami. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui perkembangan populasi kutudaun dan predatornya pada pertanaman cabai monokultur dan tumpang sari di Desa Cikandang, Kecamatan Cikajang, Garut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Juli 2021 yang meliputi pengamatan kutudaun dan predator, identifikasi, dan analisis data. Pengamatan dilakukan secara langsung dengan metode acak sistematis (jarak antar baris satu baris tanaman dan jarak dalam baris lima tanaman). Jumlah tanaman contoh setiap lahan 100 tanaman. Pengamatan kutudaun dilakukan dengan mengamati lima helai daun cabai tiap tanaman contoh sedangkan predator dilakukan dengan mengamati seluruh bagian tanaman contoh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi nimfa dan imago A. gossypii yang ditemukan pada pertanaman cabai monokultur dan tumpang sari berfluktuasi. Predator A. gossypii yang ditemukan di antaranya Episyrphus sp., Micromus sp., dan Menochilus sexmaculatus. Populasi A. gossypii pada pertanaman cabai monokultur lebih tinggi dibanding cabai tumpang sari. Begitu pula dengan populasi predatornya lebih banyak ditemukan pada pertanaman cabai monokultur dari pada cabai tumpang
dc.description.abstractAphis gossypii Glover is the main pest that attacks chili plants by piercing and sucking the plant fluids and also acts as a vector for plant disease viruses. Besides the aphids, the presence of predators in the field also has an important role in the natural control of aphids. This study aimed to determine the development of aphids populations and its predators in monoculture and intercropping chili in Cikandang Village, Cikajang District, Garut. The research conducted from May to July 2021, included observations of aphids and its predators, identification, and data analysis. The observation was conducted directly by systematic random sampling (the distance of each row was one row plants and the distance in rows were five plants) and the plant sample in each field was 100 plants. The observation of aphids was conducted by observing five chili leaves for each plant sample, while for its predators were conducted by observing all parts of the plant sample. The results showed that the population of nymphs and adult A. gossypii found in the monoculture and intercropping chilies fluctuated. The predators of A. gossypii found were Episyrphus sp., Micromus sp., and Menochilus sexmaculatus. The population of A. gossypii in monoculture chili was higher than the intercropping chili. Similar for the predators population were more commonly found in the monoculture chilies than in the intercropping
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerkembangan Populasi Kutudaun Aphis gossypii G. dan Predatornya pada Pertanaman Cabai Monokultur dan Tumpang Sari di Desa Cikandang, Kecamatan Cikajang, Garutid
dc.title.alternativePopulation Development of Aphis gossypii G. and Predators on Monoculture and Intercropping Chili in Cikandang Village, Cikajang District, Garutid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordAphis gossypiiid

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