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dc.contributor.advisorSartiami, Dewi
dc.contributor.advisorKusumah, R Yayi Munara
dc.contributor.authorRahmah, Nida Nur
dc.description.abstractPerkebunan teh Sambawa merupakan perkebunan besar swasta milik PT. Sinar Inesco berlokasi di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat. Tanaman teh ditanam secara monokultur dalam skala besar sehingga mendukung tingginya populasi hama. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keanekaragaman hama serta dinamika populasi hama di perkebunan teh Sambawa PT. Sinar Inesco. Hama teh ditemukan pada tanaman teh dan bak pelayuan daun di pabrik. Dinamika populasi hama dilakukan pengamatan luas serangan, intensitas serangan, dan kepadatan populasi hama di blok B21 yang dibagi ke dalam enam petak contoh. Klon tanaman teh yang diamati adalah klon TRI 2024 dan klon TRI 2025. Dua puluh satu spesies hama pada tanaman teh diidentifikasi berdasarkan ciri morfologi dan gejala serangan yang ditimbulkannya. Keanekaragaman hama teh terbagi ke dalam empat kelompok berdasarkan bagian tanaman yang diserang. Hama menyerang pucuk dan daun muda, yaitu Empoasca sp., Caloptilia theivora, Helopeltis bradyi, Homona coffearia, Adoxophyes sp., Toxoptera aurantii, Cydia leucostoma, dugaan tungau kuning, dan dugaan thrips. Hama menyerang daun tua, yaitu Oligonychus coffeae dan Eumeta minuscula. Hama menyerang daun muda dan daun tua, yaitu larva pengorok daun, Hyposidra talaca, Hyposidra infixaria, Ascotis sp., Cleora sp., Ectropis bhumrita, Setora nitens, Aspidiotus sp., Myllocerus sp., Attacus atlas, Euproctis virguncula, Dasychira sp., Lebeda sp., dan penggulung daun teh. Hama menyerang batang pohon teh, yaitu penggerek batang teh. Sebanyak dua belas spesies hama-hama tersebut ditemukan terbawa ke bak pelayuan daun di pabrik. Hama utama di lokasi pengamatan, yaitu wereng pucuk teh, ulat pelipat daun melintang, kepik pengisap daun, dan ulat pelipat daun membujur. Populasi wereng pucuk teh menurun setelah aplikasi pestisida ke dua, pascapemetikan, dan adanya hujan deras. Populasi wereng pucuk teh meningkat bersamaan dengan waktu pemetikan pada klon TRI 2024. Individu ulat pelipat daun melintang tidak ditemukan setelah aplikasi pestisida pertama dan ke dua. Ulat pelipat daun melintang mulai ditemukan pada waktu pemetikan pucuk teh dan populasinya terus meningkat sampai pengamatan terakhir. Populasi tertinggi kepik pengisap daun ditemukan setelah aplikasi pestisida ke dua pada klon TRI 2025. Populasi ulat pelipat daun membujur menurun setelah aplikasi pestisida ke
dc.description.abstractThe Sambawa tea plantation is a large private estate owned by PT. Sinar Inesco is located in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java. Tea plants are grown in monoculture on a large scale, thus supporting a high pest population. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the diversity of pests and pest population dynamics in the Sambawa tea plantation. Tea pests were found on the tea plant and harvested tea leaves in the factory. The dynamics of the pest population was carried out by observing the attacked area, attack intensity, and pest population density in block B21 which was divided into six sample plots. The tea plant observed in this study were TRI 2024 and TRI 2025. Twenty one species of pests on tea plants were identified based on their morphological characteristics and damage symptoms. The diversity of tea pests was divided into four groups based on the attacked plant’s part. On the shoots and young leaves, the pests consisted of Empoasca sp., Caloptilia theivora, Helopeltis bradyi, Homona coffearia, Adoxophyes sp., Toxoptera aurantii, Cydia leucostoma, suspected yellow mites, and suspected thrips. Fewer were found on older leaves, namely Oligonychus coffeae and Eumeta minuscula. In other hand, it was also found pest that favored both young and old leaves, namely leaf miner larvae, Hyposidra talaca, Hyposidra infixaria, Ascotis sp., Cleora sp., Ectropis bhumrita, Setora nitens, Aspidiotus sp., Myllocerus sp., Attacus atlas, Euproctis virguncula, Dasychira sp., Lebeda sp., and leaf roller. In addition, one pest, namely the stem borer was found attacking the tree trunk. A total of twelve species of these pests were carried along into the withering tub at the factory. The primary pests at the observation site were tea green leafhopper, tea leaf roller, tea mosquito bug, and tea tortrix. The population of tea green leafhoppers decreased after the second pesticide application, post-leaves plucking, and heavy rains. It increased along with the time of plucking in the TRI 2024 clone. Moreover, tea leaf rollers were not found after the first and second pesticide applications. Tea leaf roller started become noticeable at the plucking period and the population continued to increase until the last observation was concluded. On the other hand, the highest population of tea mosquito bug was after the second pesticide application on clone TRI 2025. Conversely, the population of tea tortrix decreased after the second pesticide
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeanekaragaman dan Dinamika Populasi Hama di Perkebunan Teh Sambawa PT. Sinar Inesco, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeDiversity and Dynamics of Pest Population in Sambawa Tea Plantation PT. Sinar Inesco, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Javaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordCaloptilia theivoraid
dc.subject.keywordHomona coffeariaid
dc.subject.keywordHelopeltis bradyiid

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