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dc.contributor.authorKhalil, Bilaluddin
dc.description.abstractLand cover in forested area has changed rapidly. Land conversion, illegal logging, land clearing and fire are few factors which caused forest decrease. Indigenous people in Kasepuhan Citorek, who lives in and around the forest, is a community with manners and customs prescription including human – nature relation particularly in forest management. But as population growth rapidly, the forest resources become degraded in those area and therefore needed an observation. Geographic Information System and remote sensing are kind of technology which can help that task. The aims of this study were (1) to examine the boundaries, land classification and management of Citorek customary forest based on society information, (2) to examine land cover in those area in 1990, 1997, 2006 and the alteration and (3) to find out the factors which caused the alteration of the land cover. This study was conducted in January to July 2008 in Kasepuhan Citorek costumary forest area. The collected data consist of spatial data which contains maps, images, ground control point, and attribute data which contains rural data, land altered data and social perception. Spatial data were processedusing Geographic Information System and remote sensing. Meanwhile, the attribute data processed descriptively and then analyzed with qualitative method for identifying its impact on land cover change. Kasepuhan Citorek costumary forest (wewengkon) is bounded by mountain and hill surrounding. The wewengkon divided into three areas which are leuweng titipan, leuweng tutupan, and leuweng garapan. They cultivate the land according to their kasepuhan tradition with shifting cultivation system. During the 1990 to 2006, the number of population density increase. This will make the occurrence of land conversion because increasing land demand. Most of Citorek people (95.04%) work in agricultural area and they are low educated. The people knowledge about the boundaries, regulation and costumary forest classification is getting vanished. Their perception about the national park according to Likert scale is medium. The Citorek wewengkon is classified into nine landscape which are forest, mixed plantation, bushes, field, farm, open area, developed area, body of water and other land cover. The decrease of forest, field, and open area occur in 1990 to 2006. On the other hand, the increment occurs in farm, developed area and body of water. While, mixed plantation and bushes are being fluctuated in it quantity. Custom spatial regulation can be well-suited with the national park zonation by considering the traditional rule and field actual condition in each part of wewengkon. Not all of the Citorek people know about the boundaries, regulation, and classification of the costumary forest. During the 1990 to 2006, land cover change occur in each type of landscape. Factors contributed to land use change are social and economic change (population growth, education rate and occupation), farming tradition of kasepuhan people, and less people knowledge about the custom regulation, particularly in wewengkon classification. Land cover alteration can be controlled by social participation on national park management and continuity on monitoring programme. KEY WORDS: land cover alteration, costumary forest, Kasepuhan Citorekid
dc.titleAnalisis Perubahan Penutupan Lahan Di Hutan Adat Kasepuhan Citorek, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salakid

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