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dc.contributor.advisorSaefuddin, Asep
dc.contributor.advisorNotodiputro, Khairil Anwar
dc.contributor.advisorToharudin, Toni
dc.contributor.authorAngraini, Yenni
dc.description.abstractA set of data that consist of repeated measurements on a large number of outcomes and covariates are known as high-dimensional longitudinal data. The high-dimensional longitudinal data may consist of several effects of interest that cannot be directly measured, known as latent factors or latent variables. During the last decade, the multivariate responses or high-dimensional in longitudinal data have been a big issue. The analysis of high-dimensional longitudinal data is complicated due to its complex correlation structures between outcomes. To understand changes over time of outcome variables, having correlations in individuals with explanatory variables is not enough. Hence, complex correlation structures between outcomes need to be considered. One approach that is commonly used to overcome high-dimensional longitudinal data is simultaneous equation modeling. A well-known simultaneous equation modeling method is the structural equation model (SEM). This approach has several appealing modeling abilities and can be used for high-dimensional longitudinal data. Under the SEM framework, the continuous time SEM is developed to avoid some issues associated with autoregressive and cross-lagged problems in SEM. Another simultaneous equation modeling method is by combining factor analysis and multivariate analysis methods to overcome high dimensional longitudinal data, namely latent factor linear mixed model (LFLMM). The factor analysis is used to reduce the high-dimensional outcomes, and the multivariate linear mixed model is used to study the longitudinal trends of several latent factors. One example of high-dimensional longitudinal data is the General Election Study. This study is carried out repeatedly to observe tendencies towards political attitudes and behavior over time in Belgium. The data contain political information, knowledge, perceptions, and preferences of a political party and the level of participation in politics. One of the most interesting things to study from the data is to analyze the change of political attitudes and behavior of respondents over time. Also, the relationship of changes in these outcomes is important to analyze. The General Election Study in Belgium was designed to include a representative sample of the target population under the Belgian electorate, so accurate estimates about the population could be made. This sampling design was created by the Institute for Social and Political Opinion (ISPO) and the Inter-university Center for Political Opinion Research (PIOP). The Belgian data set contained three subsamples, the Flemish (Dutch-speaking), the Walloon (French-speaking), and the Brussels Capital Region (Dutch and French-speaking). Several studies conducted on the Belgium data are carried out to understand the relationships between the latent variables Individualism (I), Ethnocentrism (E), and Authoritarianism (A) in Flanders. Cross-sectional or a longitudinal studies have also been carried out. In such cases, it is critical to capture the trend of the latent variables over time and, more importantly, whether there is any association or relationships between the development of nationalism (N), ethnocentrism (E), individualism (I), and authoritarianism (A) in Belgium. An empirical analysis of CT-SEM has been done to present the interdependencies among the four latent variables mentioned above on the basis of the General Election Studies for Belgium in 1991, 1995, and 1999 (Interuniversitair steunpunt politieke-opinieonderzoek, 1991, 1995, 1999). Although the four variables have been the subject of several studies in Flanders, a longitudinal analysis of all four concepts using CT analysis and their relationships has not been performed. Reciprocal effects between A and E and between E and I as well as a unidirectional effect from A on I were found in the CT-SEM analysis. The finding also revealed relatively small but significant, effects from both I and E on N, but no effect from A on N or from N on any of the other variables. Similar to the CT-SEM method, the latent factor linear mixed model (LFLMM) is also a common method used to analyze the change in highdimensional longitudinal data. Analysis of change from several previously mentioned latent variables I, N, E, and A in Flanders, Belgium, is interesting as Belgium is feared to fall apart as a nation. Two stages of modeling have been carried out. The first stage involved modeling Individualism (I), Nationalism (N), and Ethnocentrism (E), and in the next step, Authoritarianism (A) was added to the model. The results showed that I, N, and A increased over time while E decreased over time. The correlation of random effects in LFLMM has geared several exciting findings, including positive correlations between E and A; I and E; and I and A. Apart from advantages of the LFLMM method, disadvantages related to assumptions and performance of the EM algorithm used to estimate the model parameters were identified. One disadvantage is that the EM algorithm cannot automatically produce the calculation of standard errors. This dissertation extended the EM algorithm called the Supplemented EM algorithm and used a simulation study to investigate the computational aspects of the algorithm in the latent factor linear mixed model (LFLMM) to produce the standard errors of the estimator of fixed variables. We also calculate the variance matrix of beta using the second moment as a benchmark to compare with the asymptotic variance matrix of beta of Supplemented EM. Both the second moment and Supplemented EM produce symmetrical results, the variance estimates of beta are getting smaller when number of subjects in the simulation increases. The algorithm was implemented to analyze the data on political attitudes and behavior in Flanders-Belgium. This algorithm was also implemented on Belgian data involving cohorts from Flanders and Wallonia. It was found that all latent are positively correlated over time as indicated by the correlation matrix of random
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleMixed effect models for high –dimensional longitudinal data with latent variablesid
dc.subject.keywordhigh-dimensional longitudinal dataid
dc.subject.keywordSupplemented EM Algorithmid

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