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dc.contributor.advisorDiatin, Iis
dc.contributor.advisorHadiroseyani, Yani
dc.contributor.authorCahayani, Rizka Nur
dc.description.abstractPeraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan (PERMEN) Nomor 17 Tahun 2021 melarang distribusi Benih Bening Lobster (BBL) diluar lokasi penangkapan dan menetapkan ukuran minimal lobster ekspor dengan bobot melebihi 150 g. Peraturan ini berdampak pada proses produksi dan distribusi lobster, sehingga perlu diketahui model rantai pasok lobster. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis proses, jejaring, pelaku, efisiensi dan peluang risiko yang terdapat pada rantai pasok lobster. Data primer diperoleh dari wawancara dengan metode snowball. Analisis data menggunakan margin pemasaran, farmer’s share, dan metode failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Hasil penelitian didapatkan proses produksi lobster belum sesuai dengan segmentasi PERMEN KP Nomor 17 Tahun 2021. Aliran rantai yang mengalir pada rantai pasok yaitu aliran informasi yang mengalir ke dua arah, aliran barang yang mengalir dari hulu ke hilir, dan aliran harga yang mengalir dari hilir ke hulu. Pelaku rantai pasok lobster yaitu nelayan, pengepul, pembudidaya, pedagang grosir, pengecer, eksportir, restoran, importir, dan konsumen akhir. Rantai pasok lobster yang mengalir dari pembudidaya menuju restoran lebih efisien dari saluran pembudidaya menuju eksportir. Ketersediaan benih yang belum berkelanjutan merupakan peluang risiko yang memberikan dampak tertinggi berdasarkan analisis
dc.description.abstractMinister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation (PERMEN KP) Number 17 of 2021 prohibits the distribution of Lobster Bening Seed (BBL) outside the fishing grounds and stipulates a minimum size of export lobster with a weight exceeding 150 g. This regulation has an impact on the lobster production and distribution process, so it is necessary to know the lobster supply chain model. This study aims to analyze the process, network, actors, efficiency, and risk opportunities contained in the lobster supply chain. Primary data were obtained from interviews with the snowball method. Data analysis used marketing margin, farmer's share, and failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method. The results showed that the lobster production process was not following the segmentation of PERMEN KP Number 17 of 2021. The chain flow that flows in the supply chain is the flow of information that flows in two directions, the flow of goods that flow from upstream to downstream, and the flow of prices that flows from downstream to upstream. The actors in the lobster supply chain are fishermen, collectors, cultivators, wholesalers, retailers, exporters, restaurants, importers, and final consumers. The lobster supply chain that flows from farmers to restaurants is more efficient than the channel from farmers to exporters. The availability of unsustainable seeds is a risk opportunity that has the highest impact based on the FMEA
dc.description.sponsorshipMatching Fund 2021id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Rantai Pasok Budidaya Lobster Pasir Panulirus homarus di WPP 712id
dc.title.alternativeSupply Chain Analysis on Spiny Lobster Panulirus homarus in WPP 712id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmarketing marginid
dc.subject.keywordsupply chainid

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