First Phase Study On Potential Market Of Copper And Zinc Fertilizer And Gypsum Soil Enhancer In Indonesia
Fertilizer recommendations and fertilizer subsidies provided by the Government of Indonesia are basically only for
N, P, and K macronutrient fertilizers. High P and K nutrient levels are presently found in almost all the intensive rice
cultivation area in Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumatera, and Kalimantan. It causes nutrient imbalances in soil and
depresses the availability of micronutrients, especially copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). One way to overcome this
problem is to rebalance the use of synthetic fertilizers, especially for rice and other strategic crop commodities, by
applying micronutrients fertilizer, especially Cu and Zn, as well as organic and inorganic soil enhancers such as
manure, calcite, dolomite, gypsum etc. Gypsum (CaSO4.nH2O) contains approximately 23% Calcium (Ca). So,
apart from being a soil enhancer, it also provides Ca as plant essential macronutrient. Application of gypsum
improves absorption of water and nutrients by plant roots and reduce soil toxicity caused by aluminum (Al) and
excessive iron (Fe). Recently, biofertilizers have also been used to increase rice production.
PT Merdeka Copper Gold, Tbk is a world-class mining company in Indonesia that also produces Cu and Zn and
gypsum as by-products of its mine ore primary processing. From these by-products, it can still be extracted through
secondary refinery processing a significant amount of Cu-sulfate, Zn-sulfate, and gypsum, which are important
products to be utilized as sources or raw materials to produce Cu and Zn fertilizers and gypsum soil enhancer. In
this regard, this first phase study is carried out to analyze the potential market of Cu and Zn fertilizer and gypsum
soil enhancer in Indonesia, while the second phase will focus on the product formulation and development as
single or compound fertilizers or additive for macronutrient fertilizers as well as soil enhancer and their trials to
increase the productions of food, horticulture, and plantation crops as well as the Indonesian farmers’ welfare.
The overall goal of the first phase study can be broken down into specific objectives as follows: (1) identification of
potential agricultural centers that most likely require Cu and Zn fertilizer or gypsum soil enhancer or both, (2)
identification of potential user preference on type(s) of Cu and Zn fertilizer or gypsum soil enhancer or both, (3) to
find out potential competitors of Cu and Zn fertilizers and gypsum soil enhancer providers in the existing market,
and (4) estimation of potential market or current and future consumption of Cu and Zn fertilizer and gypsum soil
enhancer in Indonesia. dst ...
- Research Report [232]