Kajian ilmiahnya Strategi Pemilihan Lokasi Kantor UPT. Malingping dengan Metode Centre of Gravity
Objective: This activity is intended to analyze the optimization of the role of UPT Malingping in Lebak Regency through
the provision of new buildings, appropriate facilities and infrastructure and a strategic location. The purpose of this
activity is a) Inventory of prospective alternative locations for the new UPT Malingping office in Lebak Regency, b)
Identify the factors that influence the determination of location feasibility to be the location of the UPT Malingping Office
in Lebak Regency, c) Identify the data and information needed in determination of location, d) Analyze the determination
of the weight and value of alternative data for prospective locations, e) Provide recommendations on alternative
locations that are most suitable with the requirements (feasibility) of the location.
Methodology: Calculation of location strategy determination is done by using the Center of Gravity Method and the
Factor rating method.
Results: The results of the Center of Gravity show that the old location is not feasible because it is in the hills. According
to Lebak Regency Bappeda, the requirements for the construction of Government Offices may not use land / fields that
use technical and semi-technical irrigation and are based on access to main roads / national roads. This refers to the
Regional Regulation of Lebak Regency No. 2 of 2014 concerning the Lebak Regency Spatial Planning (RTRW) for 2014-
2034. Because the requirements above the location of the central point of the UPT Malingping area were moved / shifted
to the closest location to the location of the central point crossed by the National Road, the locations of the Cihara,
Bayah and Malingping Districts were obtained.
Practical Implication: -
Paper Type: Research Paper
- Management [64]