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dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Gunawan
dc.contributor.authorPujianti, Ajeng
dc.description.abstractPermintaan produksi getah pinus terus meningkat, namun produksi getah pinus menurun. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu karena tegakan pinus mengalami jenuh sadap (belum saatnya untuk ditebang namun bidang sadap sudah habis). Produktivitas getah pinus pascapemulihan yaitu sadapan pinus yang dilakukan pada bidang sadap yang telah mengalami penutupan luka belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur persentase pemulihan bidang sadapan pinus metode quarre dan menganalisis produktivitas sadapan pinus pascapemulihan pada kedua kelas umur pohon. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok terdiri dari dua perlakuan yaitu sadapan pascapemulihan dan kontrol sedangkan kelompok yaitu tegakan pinus kelas umur (KU) IV dan IX. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata pemulihan bidang sadapan pinus KU IX lebih tinggi dibandingkan KU IV. Rata-rata produktivitas getah pinus (g/pohon/hari) perlakuan pascapemulihan lebih rendah dibandingkan kontrol pada kedua kelas umur yaitu KU IV dan KU IX perlakuan pascapemulihan berturut-turut 8,11 g/pohon/hari dan 9,15 g/pohon/hari sedangkan perlakuan kontrol berturut-turut 11,42 g/pohon/hari dan 10,59 g/pohon/hari. Perlakuan (pascapemulihan dan kontrol) sadapan getah pinus menghasilkan produktivitas yang berbeda sedangkan kelas umur menghasilkan produktivitas yang
dc.description.abstractThe demand for pine resin continues to increase along with the declining of pine resin production. One of the reasons is because the pine trees have become saturated with tapping (it is not proper yet to cut down, but the tapping fields have run out). Post-recovery pine resin productivity, namely pine tapping in a tapping area that had undergone closure of the tapping wound not yet known. This study aimed to measure the percentage of pine tapping field recovery using the quarre method and to analyze the productivity of post-recovery pine resin in both age classes of trees. The experimental design used a randomized block design consisting of two treatments, namely post-recovery and control, while the group consisted of pine stands of age class IV and IX. The results showed that the average recovery of the pine tapping field in age class IX was higher than age class IV. The average productivity of pine resin (g/tree/day) in post-recovery treatment was lower than the control in both age classes, namely age class IV and IX in post-recovery treatment, respectively 8.11 g/tree/day and 9.15 g/tree/day while the control treatments were 11.42 g/tree/day and 10.59 g/tree/day, respectively. Treatments (post-recovery and control) on tapped pine resin had a different productivity, while the groups (age class) had the same
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProduktivitas Sadapan Pinus Pascapemulihan di KPH Bogor Divisi Regional Jawa Barat dan Banten Perum Perhutaniid
dc.title.alternativePost-recovery Pine Tapping Productivity at KPH Bogor Regional Division of West Java and Banten Perum Perhutaniid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpine resinid
dc.subject.keywordtapping field recoveryid

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