Strategi Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan Di Iuphhk – Ha (Studi Kasus Di Iuphhk – Ha Pt.Sarmiento Parakantja Timber, Kalimantan Tengah )
Tropical forest in Indonesia was known as the third larget in the world, after Barzil and Zaire. In the early days, the vast of Indonesia troical forest was approximately 164 million Ha, then became 143 millon Ha and until the end of 1999 the vast was left around 90-120 million Ha. When the land vast of Indonesia was approximately 190 million Ha, then the vast of Indonesian Forest was only ± 48-64% from the land vast (Suratmo et al. 2003). At the moment land and forest fire became one of the disturbance form toward to the land and forest management. The adverse consequences which induced by fire was fairly large, for instance ecological detriment, aesthetics descend, forest value and soil productivity decline, micro either or global climate alteration, reduce the variety of biological natural resources and the ecosystem which constitute to the priceless nutfah plasma resource. Forest fire was crucial problem and really needs handling. Therefor, it would be needed a certain srategy in forest fire control which effetive and efficient. The intention of this research are for sudiied, description and analyze: (1). The strategy of forest fire control applicable in IUPPHHK – HA (PT. Sarmiento Parakantja Timber, Central Borneo). (2). The participation of inhabitants around IUPHHK – HA in the srtategy of forest fire control.
- Silviculture [13]