Studi Keanekaragaman Flora
The orangutan that lives in the Batang Toru landscape is belong to the Tapanuli Orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis), where one of the Orangutan's important habitats is another use area which is located between the Batang Toru Forest Block West in the south and the Lubuk Raya Nature Reserve, especially around Batu Satail Village, Mario and Marancar. One of the important areas for Orangutans in this other use area is the 32 hectare secondary forest area around Batu Satail Village. The area is a candidate site for the construction of the Tapanuli Orangutan Research Station. The existence of a plan to build an Orangutan Research Station and the discovery of a population of three Orangutans led to the need for studies related to plant phenology. The purpose of this study is to establish a permanent plot of forest phenology based on physical and biotic factors. The study activities were carried out by the Batang Toru Sustainable Landscape Management Working Group Team. The study team consisted of Team Leader : DR. Ir. Harnios Arief, MScF and Member : Yuri Dinosia Simangunsong, SHut. The data collection method used is the path method which is a combination of squares with lines. The study of flora diversity was entirely carried out in areas with slopes between 0% - 40%. The results showed that species diversity in this area was relatively low to moderate (H = 1.43 – 2.94). Pathway 1 consists of 38 plant species belonging to 22 families with a composition of 6 species (6 families) at the tree level, 6 species (6 families) at the pole level, 9 species (8 families) at the sapling level, 11 species (10 families) at the seedling level and 6 species (5 families) for the understorey level. Pathway 2 contains 58 species belonging to 33 families with a composition of 20 species (15 families) at the tree level, 10 species (7 families) at the pole level, 22 species (15 families) at the sapling level, 6 species (6 families) at the seedling level and 12 species at the seedling level. species (11 families) for the understorey level. Pathway 3 consists of 36 species belonging to 22 families with a composition of 17 species (12 families) at the tree level, 11 species (9 families) at the pole level, 5 species (5 families) at the sapling level, 7 species (6 families) at the seedling level and 8 species at the seedling level. species (7 families) for understorey plants. The results of plant analysis in TCSRO secondary forest show that this site contains rare/protected plant species according to the IUCN red list, while according to CITES and Government Regulation No. 106 of 2018 concerning protected plants and animals, there are none. These species are hayundolok 3 (Syzygium zeylanicum) with endangered status and hoteng flower (Quercus maingayi) and aek wood (Mezzettia umbellata) with vulnerable status.