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dc.contributor.authorHermawan, Rachmad
dc.description.abstractThe consequences of the city as a center of economic activity are increasing air pollutants, rising air temperatures, and social problems. These can cause public health problems in the urban community, both physically and mentally. The urban green open space (UGOS) are dominated by trees that have both physical and physiological capabilities in controlling air pollutants so it can reduce the negative impact on the health of the city community. The effectiveness of UGOS in controlling air pollution depends on the tree species selected, the tree composition of UGOS, the distribution of the UGOS, the area of each UGOS unit, and the total area of UGOS in a city. One of the efforts to overcome health problems is to carry out healing activities. The type of UGOS that has the potential for healing is urban forest. The conditions, situatiosn, and environmental services of the urban forest can be developed for healing forest activities. The healing forest sites must first be identified and deleneated in accordance with criteria of SNI
dc.titleKontribusi Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota Dalam Menunjang Kesehatan Masyarakat Kotaid
dc.subject.keywordair pollutantid
dc.subject.keywordhealing forestid
dc.subject.keywordurban green open spaceid

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