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dc.contributor.advisorLontoh, Adolf Pieter
dc.contributor.advisorGuntoro, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorRamadhan, Mochammad Fahmi
dc.description.abstractPemupukan merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari budidaya kelapa sawit dan bertujuan menjaga tanaman kelapa sawit agar sehat sehingga berproduksi optimal. Tujuan umum kegiatan magang adalah mempelajari aspek teknis, manajerial budidaya kelapa sawit, bertujuan khusus mempelajari pemupukan kelapa sawit meliputi manajemen perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pemupukan. Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan di Kebun Inti Utara Petapahan, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau, pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2021. Pengamatan dilakukan secara langsung meliputi aspek 5 T (tepat jenis, tepat dosis, tepat waktu, tepat tempat, tepat cara), kehilangan pupuk, dan keterampilan kerja. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif meliputi rata-rata (dosis, cara, tempat pemupukan, gejala defiseinsi hara), dan persentase hasil pengamatan. Hasil rata-rata diuji menggunakan t-student dan uji-f tukey pada taraf 5%. Aplikasi pemupukan tepat jenis, tepat tempat, dan tepat cara sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai standar perusahaan, tetapi pada aplikasi pemupukan tepat dosis dan waktu belum sesuai dengan standar perusahaan. Rata-rata jarak penaburan pupuk yang dilakukan sebesar 152,73 cm lebih tinggi dari standar perusahaan 150 cm pada area tanaman menghasilkan, sedangkan rata-rata 48,15 cm lebih rendah dari standar perusahaan 50 cm pada area tanaman belum menghasilkan. Realisasi waktu pemupukan masih belum sesuai dengan standar karena aplikasi pupuk selain KCl dan borate tidak dilakukan sesuai rencana. Gejala defisiensi hara yang terjadi didominasi pada unsur hara K dengan nilai 8,67% pada sampel TM dan 5,33% pada sampel TBM. Kehilangan pupuk di Kebun Inti Utara Petapahan masih dapat ditoleransi dengan nilai kehilangan 2%. Pengalaman kerja berpengaruh pada keterampilan kerja pada saat aplikasi
dc.description.abstractFertilization is an important part of oil palm cultivation. It is aimed at keeping the oil palm plants healthy and productive. The general objective of this activity is studying the technical and managerial aspects of oil palm cultivation. The specific objectives of studying oil palm fertilization are planning management, implementation, and evaluation of fertilization. The internship activity was undertaken at Petapahan North Core Plantation, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar Regency, Riau, from January to May 2021. The observation is conducted directly on 5 T aspects (right type, right dose, right time, right place, right method), fertilizer loss, and work skill. The data was analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. It included the average (dose, method, place of fertilization, symptoms of nutrient deficiency), and the percentage of observation. The average results were tested by using the t-student and Tukey's f-test at the 5% level. The application of the right fertilizer, the right place, and the right way had been implemented well according to the company standard. Meanwhile, the application of fertilizer at the right dose and time was not accordance with the company standard. The average spacing of fertilizers was 152.73 cm higher than the company's standard of 150 cm in mature plantation areas, while the average was 48.15 cm lower than the company's standard of 50 cm in immature plantation areas. The realization of fertilizing time was not up to the standard yet because the use of fertilizer other than KCl and borate was not carried out to the plan. The symptoms of nutrient deficiency were dominated by K nutrients with a value of 8.67% in the TM sample and 5.33% in the TBM sample. The loss of fertilizer in the North Core Plantation of Petapahan still could be tolerated with a loss value of 2%. The work experience affected the work skill in applicating
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleManajemen Pemupukan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Inti Utara, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riauid
dc.title.alternativeFertilization Management of Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at Inti Utara Plantation, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riauid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpalm oilid
dc.subject.keywordwork skillsid

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