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dc.contributor.authorAlamsyah, Fitrah
dc.description.abstractJahe (Zingiber Officinale) merupakan tanaman rempah-rempah yang memiliki produktivitas tinggi di Indonesia. Kandungan senyawa dalam jahe memiliki beragam manfaat untuk kesehatan manusia, jahe dapat diolah menjadi berbagai macam produk sebelum dikonsumsi. Bubuk jahe merah “Deherbanoer” merupakan salah satu produk olahan jahe dari Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat. Bubuk jahe merah selama proses penyimpanannya dapat mengalami penurunan kualitas yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan, sehingga perlu diketahui informasi mengenai umur simpan produk agar dapat dikonsumsi pada mutu terbaiknya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik awal, mengidentifikasi penurunan mutu selama penyimpanan, dan melakukan pendugaan umur simpan. Bubuk jahe merah disimpan menggunakan kemasan alumunium foil, metallized, dan polypropylene (PP) dalam kondisi penyimpanan dengan suhu 25, 35, dan 45°C selama 8 minggu. Parameter yang diamati selama penyimpanan adalah perubahan kualitas kadar air, kadar oleoresin, warna, angka kapang dan khamir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan mutu berupa peningkatan kadar air, penurunan oleoresin, perubahan intesitas warna, dan cemaran kapang. Penetapan umur simpan didasarkan pada parameter dengan laju penurunan mutu yang besar yaitu kadar oleoresin. Bubuk jahe merah “Deherbanoer” yang dikemas menggunakan alumunium foil memiliki umur simpan yang lama yaitu 11,21 bulan pada suhu 25°C, 9,68 bulan pada suhu 35°C, dan 8,4 bulan pada suhu 45°
dc.description.abstractGinger (Zingiber Officinale) is a high productivity spices plant in Indonesia. The content compounds within a ginger has various benefits for human health, ginger can be processed into various products before being consumed. Red ginger powder "Deherbanoer" is one of the processed ginger products from Central Bogor District, Bogor City, West Java. Red ginger powder, during the storage process, has being decreased in quality which affected by environmental condition, thus it is necessary to know the information about its shelf life so that it can be consumed at the best quality. This research was aimed to determine the initial characteristics, identify quality degradation during storage, and conduct estimated shelf life. Red ginger powder was packaged using aluminum foil, metallized, and polypropylene (PP) packaging in various storage conditions at 25, 35, and 45°C for about 8 weeks. The observed parameters during its storage were the change of water content quality, oleoresin content, color appearance, mold and yeast numbers. The results showed a change of qualities such as an increasing both in water content and color brightness, a decreasing in oleoresin content, and mold contaminated. Determination of shelf life was based on the parameter with a large rate of deterioration, namely oleoresin content. Red ginger powder “Deherbanoer” which packaged using aluminum foil has a best shelf life which are about 11.21 months at 25°C, 9.68 months at 35°C, and 8.4 months at 45°
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePendugaan Umur Simpan Bubuk Jahe Merah “Deherbanoer” dengan Metode Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) Model Arrheniusid
dc.title.alternativeShelf Life Estimation of Red Ginger Powder “Deherbanoer” Using Arrhenius Model Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) Methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordred ginger powder “Deherbanoer”id
dc.subject.keywordshelf lifeid

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