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dc.contributor.advisorAvenzora, Ricky
dc.contributor.advisorDarusman, Dudung
dc.contributor.advisorKusmana, Cecep
dc.contributor.authorTakaendengan, Mita Erdiaty
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dc.descriptionTopik Disertasi ini adalah tentang pembangunan Communal Homestay di Desa Wisataid
dc.description.abstractKehadiran desa wisata adalah dalam rangka untuk merespon adanya pergeseran orientasi wisatawan dari kegiatan wisata yang bersifat massal berubah menjadi wisata yang ramah terhadap lingkungan dan komunitas lokal dalam bentuk apresiasi terhadap alam dan budaya lokal. Dalam wisata pedesaan tercipta bentuk perekonomian masyarakat lokal setempat yaitu usaha homestay atau akomodasi yang menggunakan rumah tinggal pribadi sebagai tempat wisatawan menginap. Keungulan jenis akomodasi homestay dibandingkan dengan jenis akomodasi lainnya adalah adanya pengalaman baru bagi wisawatan untuk berbaur dengan masyarakat lokal selama mereka menginap di homestay tersebut. Pada umumnya homestay di kelola secara mandiri per individu atau KK (usaha pribadi). Kelebihan usaha yang bersifat pribadi adalah lebih leluasa dalam menjalankan usahanya. Namun juga memiliki kelemahan berupa keterbatasan sumber daya modal dan kemampuan dalam persaingan. Peningkatan pembangunan homestay yang bersifat pribadi juga akan mengakibatkan alih fungsi lahan yang pada akhirnya akan merubah pola tata guna lahan di wilayah pedesaan. Perubahan pola tata guna lahan akan menyebabkan efek domino berupa perubahan pola kepemilikan lahan yang kemudian berdampak juga pada perubahan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Perubahan kondisi sosial masyarakat ini apabila tidak diantisipasi dengan baik akan menimbulkan permasalahan baru berupa peningkatan angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Dengan kondisi masyarakat yang terkungkung oleh kemiskinan maka akan berimbas pada peningkatan ekstraksi sumber daya alam yang tidak memperhatikan aspek kelestarian. Guna meningkatan efisiensi sumber daya modal dan mengantisipasi ancaman perubahan pola tata guna lahan di pedesaan maka diperkenalkan konsep communal homestay yang berarti usaha akomodasi homestay yang dikelola secara bersama-sama dengan prinsip keadilan dan pemerataan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) menganalisa dinamika politik dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay pada eco-rural tourism, (2) menganalisa sistem ekonomi dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay pada eco-rural tourism, (3) menganalisa rona ekologi pada pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay pada eco-rural tourism, (4) menganalisa dinamika sosial budaya dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay pada eco-rural tourism, (5) menganalisa pembangunan desa dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay pada eco-rural tourism, dan (6)mengelaborasi model ideal pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay pada eco-rural tourism berbasiskan regulasi, ekonomi, ekologi. sosial budaya dan pembangunan desa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada desa wisata di tiga provinsi yaitu Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (desa Brayut dan Tanjung), Jawa Barat (desa Banceuy dan Bunihayu) dan Sulawesi Utara (desa Bahoi, Tiwoho, Popareng, Tandengan dan Urongo). Responden terdiri dari : (1) masyarakat pemilik homestay sejumlah 99 orang, (2) masyararakat bukan pemilik homestay sejumlah 486 orang, (3) wisatawan sejumlah 35 orang dan (4) unsur lembaga/instansi pemerintah sejumlah 180 orang. Teknik pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Data primer diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara semi terstruktur dan penyebaran kuesioner. Observasi dan wawancara dilakukan untuk mengamati dan mengetahui segala sesuatu terkait dengan usaha communal homestay. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner di desain dengan pola tertutup (close ended) dengan panduan one score one criteria scoring system (Avenzora 2008). Kuesioner terdiri dari tujuh indikator dan setiap indikator terdiri dari tujuh aspek penilaian. Setiap pernyataan diberi skor 1 sampai 7 yang bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian pada setiap aspek dan kriteria yang dijabarkan dalam bentuk pertanyaan (indikator). Analisis data persepsi responden dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengelompokan, penyederhanaan serta penyajian data menggunakan interval kelas. Skor penilaian pada setiap aspek atau indikator dilakukan penjumlahan lalu pengelompokan berdasarkan kelas interval. Analisis kelayakan usaha dilakukan dengan analisis kelayakan finansial yang terdiri dari: 1) NPV (Net Present Value), 2) Benefit – Cost Ratio (B/CR), 3) IRR (Internal Rate of Return), 4) Payback Period dan 5) Break Event Point. Analisis strategi optimasi pembangunan communal homestay menggunakan ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling). Hasil analisis kelayakan finansial menunjukkan bahwa konsep communal homestay dari berbagai model (Pra Sejahtera, Sejahtera I dan Sejahtera II) adalah layak untuk diusahakan. Dari parameter NPV, semua model pengembangan usaha communal homestay memiliki nilai positif dengan tingkat prifitabilitas (keuntungan) sekira 16% sampai dengan 36%. Nilai NPV berkisar antara Rp. 151.478.609,00 sd Rp. 2.477.788.483,00. Nilai Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) menunjukkan nilai >1 dengan rentang antara 1,17 sd 1,36. Nilai IRR lebih besar dari tingkat suku bunga pinjaman dengan rentang 44,06 % sd 63,06%. Pay Back Period dan BEP dibawah tiga tahun dari umur usaha 15 tahun. Dalam aspek sosial budaya, masyarakat pengelola homestay menunjukkan respon yang positif dan sepakat bahwa usaha pembangunan dan pengembangan communal homestay dapat diterima masyarakat dengan baik. Masyarakat di desa wisata mayoritas setuju terhadap konsep communal homestay dapat menjadi suatu wadah untuk pelestarian budaya, adat dan norma masyarakat setempat. Dalam aspek konservasi warisan budaya, usaha homestay dinilai mampu memberikan fungsi perlindungan dan pelestarian terhadap adat istiadat, seni, budaya, tradisi keagamaan dan bahasa. Dengan konsep communal homestay maka penggunaan sumber daya lahan sebagai modal usaha jasa penginapan dapat ditekan karena tidak perlu menambah bangunan baru. Kelompok masyarakat dapat mengoptimalkan bangunan rumah yang sudah ada yang dikelola secara bersama-sama. Usaha communal homestay dinilai mampu memberikan hasil yang optimal baik dari segi pendapatan maupun dari distribusi hasil usaha. Efek persaingan yang tidak sehat juga dapat diminimalisir dan efisien dalam penggunaan sumber daya modal karena beban biaya dan sarana produksi ditanggung bersama-samaid
dc.description.abstractThe presence of tourist villages is to respond to a shift in tourist orientation from mass tourism activities to tourism that is friendly to the environment and local communities in the form of appreciation for nature and local culture. In rural tourism, an economic form for the local community is created, namely a homestay or accommodation business that uses a private residence as a place for tourists to stay. The advantage of this type of homestay accommodation compared to other types of accommodation is that there is a new experience for tourists to mingle with the local community during their stay at the homestay. In general, homestays are managed independently per individual (private business). The advantage of a private business is that it is more flexible in running its business. However, it also has weaknesses in the form of limited capital resources and the ability to compete. The increase in private homestay development will increase in land demand which will have an impact on land conversion and changes in land-use patterns in rural areas. Changes in land-use patterns will cause a domino effect in the form of changes in land ownership patterns which then have an impact on changes in the socio-economic conditions of the community. Changes in the social conditions of the community if not anticipated properly will cause new problems in the form of increasing unemployment and poverty. The condition of the people who are confined by poverty will have an impact on increasing the extraction of natural resources that do not pay attention to the sustainability aspect. To increase the efficiency of capital resources and anticipate the threat of changes in land-use patterns in rural areas, the concept of communal homestay is introduced, which means a homestay accommodation business that is managed jointly with the principles of justice and equity. The objectives of this study are: (1) to analyze the political dynamics in the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism, (2) to analyze the economic aspects and financial feasibility in the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism, (3) to analyze the ecological background. on the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism, (4) analyzing socio-cultural dynamics in the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism, (5) analyzing village development in the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism, and (6) elaborates on the ideal model for the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism based on regulation, economy, ecology, socio-cultural and rural development. This research was conducted in tourist villages in three provinces, namely the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Brayut and Tanjung villages), West Java (Banceuy and Bunihayu villages), and North Sulawesi (Bahoi, Tiwoho, Popareng, Tandengan, and Urongo villages). Respondents consisted of (1) 99 homestay owners, 486 non-homestay owners, 35 35 tourists, and 180 government agencies/institutions. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling. Primary data were obtained using observation techniques, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires. Observations and interviews were conducted to observe and find out everything related to the communal homestay business. The research instrument in the form of a questionnaire was designed with a closed pattern (close-ended) with the guidance of one score one criteria scoring system (Avenzora 2008). The questionnaire consists of seven indicators and each indicator consists of seven aspects of the assessment. Each statement is given a score of 1 to 7 which aims to provide an assessment of each aspect and criteria described in the form of questions (indicators). Data analysis of respondents' perceptions was carried out in a quantitative descriptive manner by grouping, simplifying, and presenting data using class intervals. The assessment scores on each aspect or indicator are summed and then grouped based on the class interval. The business feasibility analysis is carried out with a financial feasibility analysis consisting of 1) NPV (Net Present Value), 2) Benefit-Cost Ratio (B/CR), 3) IRR (Internal Rate of Return), 4) Payback Period, and 5) Break Event Points. Analysis of communal homestay development strategies using ISM (Interpretative Structural Modelling). Furthermore, the synthesis and formulation of the ideal model for the establishment and development of communal homestays in eco-rural tourism is carried out using the Integrative Planning Approach. In terms of political dynamics, communal homestay business needs to get support from the government, both in terms of budget policy politics and facilitation of increasing community capacity as business managers. The function of the government is expected to be able to act as a mediator and dynamist in the homestay accommodation business network. Community empowerment programs in the tourism business sector so that they can be more easily accessed by homestay business actors. In the economic aspect, communal homestay businesses are seen as able to improve the welfare and standard of living of people in rural areas. The results of the financial feasibility analysis show that the concept of communal homestay from various models (Pre-Prosperous, Prosperous I, and Prosperous II) is feasible. From the NPV parameter, all communal homestay business development models have a positive value with a profitability (profit) level of approximately 16% to 36%. The NPV value ranges from Rp. 151,478,609.00 up to Rp. 2,477,788,483.00. The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) value shows a value > 1 with a range 1.17 to 1.36. The IRR value is greater than the loan interest rate with a range of 44.06% to 63.06%. Pay Back Period and BEP under three years from 15 years of business age. In the underprivileged community, the IC model is better than the IA and IB models, in terms of the highest percentage gain. In the prosperous society model I, the IIC model also has a high presentation value compared to the IIA and IIB. Model IIIC in a prosperous society is a model that has more advantages than models IIIA and IIIB. Of the nine communal homestay business models, model III C is the business model that provides the highest profits and financial prospects. This is comparable to the scale of its business which is quite large in this III C model. As a multi-sectoral field, tourism businesses, especially communal homestay businesses in tourist villages, also have a significant economic impact on the regional economy. The multiplier effect of the communal homestay business has had a positive impact on increasing regional economic output in the form of an increase in GRDP and absorption of local workers. In the socio-cultural aspect, the homestay management community showed a positive response and agreed that the establishment and development of communal homestays were well received by the community. The majority of people in tourist villages agree that the concept of communal homestay can be a forum for the preservation of the culture, customs, and norms of the local community. In the aspect of cultural heritage conservation, homestay businesses are considered capable of providing the function of protecting and preserving customs, arts, culture, religious traditions, and languages. In the aspect of ecology, homestay business activities can be utilized to support the conservation of natural resources and the environment in the local village area. These rural tourism activities and communal homestay businesses provide benefits for efforts to preserve natural resources and the environment such as flora and fauna, springs, and the beauty of rural natural scenery. The presence of rural tourism and communal homestay businesses can make the village environment more beautiful, cleaner, neater, well-maintained, comfortable, and healthy. This condition is a direct effect of the nature of tourism activities that require clean, comfortable, beautiful, and healthy conditions. In the aspect of rural development, the concept of communal homestay can have a positive impact on the sustainability of rural tourism businesses and the sustainability of village development in general. Communal homestay businesses can be useful in terms of equal distribution of tourism business income, increasing member income, improving the life status of members, and expanding employment networks. The expected positive impact of the communal homestay business in addition to the ecological, economic, and socio-cultural aspects is the conservation of land resources. The use of land resources as business capital for lodging services can be suppressed because there is no need to add new buildings. Community groups can optimize existing house buildings that are managed together. Communal homestay businesses are considered capable of providing optimal results both in terms of income and from the distribution of business results. The effects of unfair competition can also be minimized and efficient in the use of capital resources because the burden of costs and production facilities is sharedid
dc.description.sponsorshipLembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia Dalam Negeri (BUDI-DN) program doktorid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subject.ddcwisata pedesaanid
dc.subject.ddccommunal homestayid
dc.subject.ddctata guna lahanid
dc.titleOptimasi Model Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Communal Homestay pada Eco-Rural Tourismid
dc.title.alternativeOptimization of Model Establishment and Development of Communal Homestay in Eco-Rural Tourismid
dc.subject.keywordwisata pedesaanid
dc.subject.keywordcommunal homestayid
dc.subject.keywordtata guna lahanid
dc.subject.keywordrural tourismid
dc.subject.keywordcommunal homestayid

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