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dc.contributor.advisorAmanah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorSabila, Sheila Helwa
dc.description.abstractProduk pangan olahan hasil perikanan UMKM Si Petek memiliki nilai jual dan memerlukan sebuah kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran, salah satunya dilakukan melalui media sosial instagram. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni menganalisis efektivitas instagram sebagai media komunikasi pemasaran produk pangan olahan perikanan UMKM Si Petek. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 45 orang yakni pelanggan Si Petek yang ditentukan melalui non probability sampling. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu karakteristik responden (umur, jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan, pendidikan, pendapatan, dan domisili) serta karakteristik pesan media sosial instagram (kelengkapan informasi, kejelasan informasi, desain visual, tipografi, dan frekuensi pengiriman pesan). Untuk mengukur efektivitas media sosial instagram menggunakan EPIC model (empathy, persuasion, impact, dan communication). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan nyata antara pendapatan dengan kelengkapan informasi. Selain itu, dimensi empati dapat memengaruhi frekuensi pengiriman pesan, dimensi persuasi hanya mampu memengaruhi tipografi, dimensi dampak mampu memengaruhi umur, frekuensi pengiriman pesan, dan tipografi, serta dimensi efektivitas komunikasi dapat memengaruhi umur dan
dc.description.abstractProcessed food products from the Si Petek MSME fishery have a selling value and require a marketing communication activity, one of which is done through Instagram social media. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of Instagram as a communication medium for marketing processed food products from SMEs Si Petek. Respondents in this study amounted to 45 people, namely Si Petek customers who were determined through non-probability sampling. The variables used in this study are the characteristics of the respondents (age, gender, type of work, education, income, and domicile) and the characteristics of Instagram social media messages (completeness of information, clarity of information, visual design, typography, and frequency of message delivery). To measure the effectiveness of social media Instagram using the EPIC model (empathy, persuasion, impact, and communication). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between income and completeness of information. In addition, the dimension of empathy can affect the frequency of sending messages, the dimension of persuasion can only affect typography, the dimension of impact can affect age, frequency of delivery messages, and typography, and the dimension of communication effectiveness can affect age and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEfektivitas Instagram sebagai Media Komunikasi Pemasaran Produk Pangan Olahan Hasil Perikanan UMKM Si Petekid
dc.title.alternativeThe Effectiveness of Instagram as a Marketing Communication Media in Processed Food Products from Fishery Product of SMEs Si Petekid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmarketing communicationid
dc.subject.keywordprocessed food productsid
dc.subject.keywordsocial media instagramid

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