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dc.contributor.advisorSari, Yessie Widya
dc.contributor.advisorFahma, Farah
dc.contributor.authorDarmawan, Hiromi Elevenia
dc.description.abstractNanoselulosa merupakan karbohidrat yang sangat melimpah di alam. Selain ramah lingkungan, nanoselulosa memiliki sifat biokompatibel, biodegradable, dan printability sehingga dapat diaplikasikan sebagai bahan baku 3D bioink. Matrix PVA/alginat dapat diformulasikan dengan selulosa sebagai reinforcing agent. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi nanoselulosa terhadap sifat fisis filamen yang dibuat menggunakan metode wet spinning. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah meta-analisis dengan pendekatan regresi linear sederhana. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan pencarian nilai koefisien determinasi (R2), p-value, serta koefisien kemiringan kurva. Melalui model regresi linear sederhana, kekuatan mekanis material dari hasil uji tensile strength dianalisis pada penelitian ini. Selain itu, derajat kristalinitas dan stabilitas termal juga dianalisis. Spektra FTIR filamen dianalisis berdasarkan intensitas, shifting wave number, dan gugus fungsi. Morfologi permukaan dan cross section filamen diamati citranya melalui hasil uji SEM. Diameter partikel ikut serta
dc.description.abstractNanocellulose is a carbohydrate that is very abundant in nature. In addition to being environmentally friendly, nanocellulose has biocompatible, biodegradable, and printability properties so that it can be applied as a raw material for 3D bioink. Matrix PVA/alginate can be formulated with cellulose as a reinforcing agent. This study aims to analyze the effect of nanocellulose concentration on the physical properties of filaments made using the wet spinning method. The method used in this study is a meta-analysis with a simple linear regression approach. Data processing was carried out by searching for the coefficient of determination (R2), p-value, and the slope coefficient of the curve. Through a simple linear regression model, the mechanical strength of the material from the tensile strength test results was analyzed in this study. In addition, the degree of crystallinity and thermal stability were also analyzed. Filament FTIR spectra were analyzed based on intensity, shifting wave number, and functional groups. The surface morphology and the cross section of the filament were observed through the SEM test results. The particle diameter was also
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Karakteristik Sifat Fisis Filamen Nanoselulosa-Alginat-PVA Untuk Aplikasi 3D Bioinkid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordwet spinningid

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