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dc.description.abstractPenyakit tanaman dapat menurunkan hasil panen mencapai 25% per tahun. Pengendalian penyakit tanaman dengan agens hayati sangat disarankan karena bersifat selektif, aman bagi manusia, dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyusun informasi terkait produk agens hayati untuk mengendalikan penyakit tanaman dari berbagai jenis mikroba yang telah beredar di pasaran baik produk dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Penelitian dilakukan dengan kajian pustaka secara daring pada Google, Google cendekia, ReserachGate, ScienceDirect, dan Repository IPB. Diketahui terdapat 273 merek dagang produk agens hayati untuk mengendalikan penyakit tanaman di pasaran yang disusun berdasarkan 118 sumber pustaka ilmiah. Jumlah merek tersebut mencakup 15 merek lokal dan 258 merek dari luar negeri. Produk ini terdiri dari 129 jenis bakteri, 138 jenis cendawan, dan enam jenis virus, sedangkan produk dari jenis nematoda belum ada, tetapi penelitian mengenai spesies nematoda yang berpotensi seperti Monochochus aquaticus, Aphelenchus avenae, dan Mesorhabditis sp. telah banyak dilaporkan. Mayoritas produk menekan patogen tanaman dengan mekanisme antibiosis. Produk dapat diaplikasikan dengan cara biopriming, pencelupan bibit, penyemprotan daun, dan aplikasi pada tanah. Jumlah produk dan minat masyarakat terhadap produk agens hayati masih sedikit, tapi diperkirakan akan terus meningkat seiring banyaknya program pelestarian lingkungan dan sistem pertanian organik. Kata kunci: antibiosis, pertanian organik, produk komersial, primingid
dc.description.abstractPlant diseases can reduce crop yields by 25% per year. Control of plant diseases with biological agents is highly recommended because they are selective and safe for humans, and the environment. This study aims to compile information related to biological agent products to control plant diseases from various types of microbes that have been available in the market, both domestic and foreign products. The research was conducted using an online literature study on Google, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect, and the IPB repository. Based on this study there are 273 trademarks of biological agents products for controlling plant diseases in the market which are compiled based on 118 scientific literature sources. The number of brands includes 15 local brands and 258 brands from abroad. These products consist of 129 types of bacteria, 138 types of fungi, and six types of viruses, while the products of the nematodes type do not yet exist, but research on potential nematode such as Monochochus aquaticus, Aphelenchus avenae, and Mesorhabditis sp. has been widely reported. The majority of mode action in suppressing plant pathogens is antibiosis mechanisms. The product can be applied using biopriming, seed dip, foliar spray, and soil application. The number of products and public interest in the products of biological agents is still small, but is expected to continue to increase in line with the number of environmental conservation programs and organic farming systems. Keywords: antibiosis, commercial product, organic farming, primingid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProduk Agens Hayati untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Tanamanid
dc.title.alternativeBiological Control Agent Products for Control of Plant Diseasesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPertanian organikid
dc.subject.keywordProduk komersialid

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