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dc.contributor.advisorKartodihardjo, Hariadi
dc.contributor.advisorNugroho, Bramasto
dc.contributor.advisorSupriyanto, Bambang
dc.description.abstractKinerja kelembagaan pemanfaatan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi saat ini diindikasikan dengan permasalahan antara lain (1) konflik penggunaan ruang usaha dan ruang publik pada zona/blok pemanfaatan, (2) pemilihan skema perjanjian kerjasama sebagai pengganti izin usaha penyediaan sarana wisata alam, (3) perbedaan pemahaman penggunaan jenis izin lingkungan, (4) kurangnya dukungan Pemerintah Daerah terhadap pengembangan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi (5) perusahaan tidak operasional setelah mendapatkan izin, (6) kecilnya jumlah PNBP Pungutan Hasil Usaha Penyediaan Sarana Wisata Alam (PHUPSWA) dibandingkan dengan jumlah PNBP kunjungan, yang menyebabkan kekuatan pembiayaan negara untuk mengelola sumberdaya alam menjadi berkurang. Permasalahan tersebut merupakan perrmasalahan kelembagaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menemukan masalah-masalah kelembagaan dalam implementasi kebijakan yang menyebabkan kinerja pemanfaatan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi belum optimal. Tujuan umum tersebut dijabarkan ke dalam tiga tujuan operasional yaitu (1) menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik sumberdaya, atribut komunitas dan rule-in-use dan ekonomi politik dan diskursus terhadap arena aksi pemanfaatan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi, (2) menganalisis pengaruh arena aksi terhadap kinerja pemanfaatan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi dan (3) menghasilkan input perbaikan kelembagaan pemanfaatan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2019 sampai dengan September 2021. Lokasi penelitian di Resort Wilayah Situgunung, Bidang Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Wilayah II Sukabumi, Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan kerangka kerja Intitutional Analysis Development (IAD) Ostrom (2005) yang ditambahkan faktor eksogen ekonomi politik dan diskursus. Kerangka kerja pengembangan analisis institusi ini dapat membedah pelaksanaan kebijakan dengan menganalisis pengaruh faktor eksogen berupa karakteristik sumberdaya alam, atribut komunitas dan rulein-use, ekonomi politik (kepentingan) dan diskursus terhadap situasi aksi dan partisipan, serta pola interaksi pada arena aksi yang menghasilkan kinerja pemanfaatan wisata alam di kawasan konservasi. Peraturan yang mengatur proses bisnis IUPSWA telah memicu perilaku sub optimal pada pemanfaatan wisata alam di resort wilayah Situgunung, Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango baik oleh prinsipal tingkat kedua (UPT) maupun agen. Kelemahan peraturan yang ditemukan adalah (1) munculnya peluang kerancuan penggunaan peraturan antara izin dan perjanjian kerjasama, (2) adanya peluang perbedaan interpretasi peraturan izin lingkungan wajib AMDAL dan pengecualiannya (UKLUPL); (3) ketersediaan informasi yang kurang memadai baik bagi prinsipal untuk melakukan kontrol, maupun bagi agen untuk melakukan aksi; (4) pengenaan sanksi yang belum bisa menjadi alat kontrol bagi prinsipal; serta (5) belum adanya sistem kesetaraan insentif untuk para partisipan. Pengaruh faktor eksogen yaitu karakteristik sumberdaya alam yang Common Pool Resources (CPRs), atribut komunitas, rule-in-use, ekonomi politik kepentingan dan diskursus dalam arena aksi pemanfaatan wisata alam cenderung dapat bekerjasama dan peluang untuk konflik diantara para partisipan. Arena aksi dalam melakukan pemanfaatan wisata alam di TNGGP menimbulkan perilaku sub optimal para partisipan. Kinerja atau outcome yang timbul akibat arena aksi dan perilaku para partisipan antara lain, (1) terjadinya kerancuan pengalihan hak dari prinsipal kepada agen yang menimbulkan biaya transaksi/eksklusi tinggi, (2) konflik antara prinsipal dengan agen dan agen dengan masyarakat lokal yang menimbulkan biaya transaksi, (3) kerancuan pembayaran kompensasi kepada prinsipal oleh agen karena pengalihan hak yang rancu, (4) lemahnya kapasitas pengawasan prinsipal kepada agen yang mengakibatkan moral hazard oleh agen dalam pemenuhan kewajiban dan (5) tidak adanya kesetaraan manfaat terutama untuk Taman Nasional yang menimbulkan perilaku opportunis pejabat publiknya. Berdasarkan kinerja atau outcomes pemanfaatan wisata alam di TNGGP, maka perbaikan kelembagaan perlu dilakukan. Menurut Ostrom (2005) diantara ketiga faktor eksogen yaitu karakteristik sumberdaya, atribut komunitas dan rule-in-use, maka perubahan aturan yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan. Oleh karena itu perbaikan kelembagaan dilakukan melalui dua aspek yaitu (1) perbaikan rule-in-use : a) perubahan metode dan kriteria ruang pada penyusunan disain tapak (b) pembangunan sarana wisata melalui perjanjian kerjasama sebaiknya melalui perjanjian hibah dan bersifat non komersial (c) laporan keuangan diaudit oleh pemerintah, dengan standar opini wajar tanpa pengecualian (WTP) minimal dalam waktu 5 tahun (d) PHUPSWA dihitung dari persentase gross revenue, (e) penerapan sanksi bagi yang tidak membayar PHUPSWA setelah IUPSWA lebih dari 5 tahun, (f) kewajiban laporan pelaksanaan UKL-UPL kepada prinsipal, (g) perubahan kriteria penilaian kinerja IUPSWA; (2) perbaikan hubungan prinsipal agen (a) peningkatan kapasitas Kepala UPT dalam pemahaman perbedaan perjanjian kerjasama dengan izin, (b) pemberian insentif kepada UPT (c) peningkatan kapasitas prinsipal dalam pemantauan dan penilaian laporan keuangan, (d) pemberian informasi disain tapak dan standar berusaha di situs resmi KLHK, (e) penggunaan teknologi seperti penerapan on line booking dan
dc.description.abstractThe institutional performance of the natural tourism utilization in conservation areas is currently indicated by problems, including among others (1) conflict over the use of business space and public space in the utilization zone/ block (2) the selection of cooperation agreement scheme as a substitute for a permit on the provision of natural tourism facilities, (3) differences in understanding the use of types of environmental permits, (4) lack of local government support on the development of nature tourism in conservation areas, (5) the company does not carry out activities after obtaining a permit (6) the small amount of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the Business Revenue Fee of Natural Tourism Facilities Provisions (PHUPSWA) compared to the amount of PNBP from tourist visit. These problems are referred to as institutional problems. This study aims to determine institutional problems in implementing policies that the institutional performance of the natural tourism utilization in conservation areas considered not optimal. These general objectives are broken down into three operational objectives, namely: (1) to analyze the influence of resource characteristics, community attributes and rule-in-use, as well as political economy and discourse on the arena of action of the natural tourism utilization in conservation areas, (2) to analyze the effect of the action arena on the performance of the natural tourism utilization in conservation areas, and (3) to provide input for institutional improvement in the natural tourism utilization in conservation areas. Research was conducted from November 2019 to September 2021. The location of the research was at the Situgunung Region Resort, National Park Management Division of Sukabumi Region II, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. This research is a qualitative descriptive study by using the framework of Institutional Analysis Development (IAD) Ostrom. This institutional analysis development framework can review the implementation of policies by analyzing the influence of exogenous factors in the form of natural resource characteristics, community attributes and rule-in-use, political economy (interests) and discourse on the action situation and participants, as well as interaction pattern in the arena of action, which results in the performance of the natural tourism utilization in the conservation area. The regulations governing IUPSWA‟s business processes have triggered sub-optimal behavior in the natural tourism utilization at the Resort of the Situgunung area, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, both by second level principal and agent. The weakness of the regulations are as follows: (1) the emergence of opportunities in the form of confusion in the use of regulations between permits and cooperation agreements, (2) thepossibility of differences in the interpretation of environmental permit regulation between the mandatory AMDAL and its exception (UKL-UPL); (3) the availability of insufficient information, both for the principal to carry out control, and for the agent to take action; (4) the imposition of sanction that cannot be used as a means of control for the principal; as well as (5) the absence of an equal incentive system for the participants. The influence of exogenous factors, namely the characteristic of natural resources that are that are common pool resources (CPRs), community attributes and rule-in-use, political economy (interests) and discourse in the arena of the natural tourism utilization actions tend to work together and have the potential for conflict between participants. The action arena in utilizing nature tourism in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park has led to sub-optimal behavior of the participants. Performance or outcomes arising from the arena of action and behavior of the participants include: (1) the occurrence of confusion over the transfer of right from the principal to the agents causing high transaction/exclusion cost, (2) conflicts between principal and agent, as well as agent with local community that cause transaction costs (3) ambiguous compensation payments to the principal by agents due to ambiguous transfer of rights, (4) weak supervisory capacity of the principal to the agents which results in moral hazard by the agents in fulfilling obligations, and (5) the absence of equal benefits, especially for National Park which the causes opportunistic behavior of public officials. Based on the performance or outcomes of the natural tourism utilization in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, institutional improvements need to be done. According to Ostrom (2005), among the three exogenous factors, namely resource characteristics, community attributes and rule-in-use, changing rules is the easiest to do. Therefore, institutional improvement is carried out through two aspect which include: (1) improvement of rule-in-use: (a) changes in methods and criteria for space in the preparation of site design, (b) development of tourist facilities utilized by national park through grant agreements, (c) financial statements audited by the government, with an opinion standard of reasonable without exception (WTP) for a minimum of 5 years (d) PHUPSWA is calculated from the percentage of gross revenue, (e) impose of sanctions for those who do not pay PHUPSWA, after IUPSWA for more than 5 years, (f) obligation to report on the implementation of UKL-UPL to the principal, (g) changes to the IUPSWA performance appraisal criteria; (2) improvement of relationship between principal and agents (a) increasing the capacity of the Head of UPT in understanding the difference between a cooperation agreement and a permit (b) providing incentives to UPT, (c) increasing principal capacity in terms of financial reports, (d) providing information on site design and business standards on the official website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, (e) application of technology such as online booking and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenggunaan Pengembangan Analisis Institusi dalam Pemanfaatan Wisata di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Provinsi Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeThe Use of Institutional Analysis Development (IAD) in Tourism Utilization at the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java Provinceid
dc.subject.keywordFaktor eksogenid
dc.subject.keywordcommon pool resources (CPRs)id
dc.subject.keywordarena aksiid
dc.subject.keywordprinsipal agenid

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