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dc.contributor.advisorSulaeman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorNasution, Zuraidah
dc.contributor.authorIdris, Muh Isyraf Munthashir
dc.description.abstractDiet vegetarian merupakan salah satu diet populer berisiko tinggi kekurangan zat gizi protein, zat besi, seng serta B12 yang dapat menyebabkan anemia. Kacang merah memiliki keunggulan pada zat besi dan serat pangan, sedangkan tempe memiliki keunggulan pada B12 dan keduanya merupakan sumber protein nabati yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan pengembangan vegetarian nugget berbasis tepung kacang merah dan tempe kedelai berdasarkan formula terbaik. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan variasi konsentrasi penambahan campuran tepung kacang merah dan tempe kedelai. Nugget formula terpilih yaitu F1 (tepung kacang merah 20%, tempe kedelai 80%) berdasarkan uji organoleptik, analisis fisik, dan kandungan gizi. Hasil analisis fisik (kekerasan) nugget terpilih memiliki kekerasan terendah dibanding formula lainnya sejalan dengan uji mutu hedonik kekerasan yaitu lunak. Kontribusi nugget terhadap ALG kelompok umum yaitu energi 7,7%, protein 21,9%, lemak 4,0%, karbohidrat 6,9%, serat 23,8%, zat besi 85,7%, serta B12 8% dari total kebutuhan sehari. Kandungan gizi nugget formula terpilih yaitu air 49,85 g/100g, abu 2,38 g/100g, lemak 3,36 g/100g, protein 16,36 g/100g, karbohidrat total 28,04 g/100g, zat besi 23,56 mg/100g, serat pangan 8,94 g/100g, dan B12 0,24 μg/100g. Produk ini memenuhi klaim sebagai makanan sumber protein, tinggi serat pangan, dan tinggi zat
dc.description.abstractVegetarian diet is one of the popular diets with a high risk of nutritional deficiencies of protein, iron, zinc and B12 which can cause anemia. Red beans have advantages in iron and dietary fiber, while Tempe has advantages in B12 and both are good sources of vegetable protein. The purpose of this study was to develop vegetarian nuggets based on red bean flour and soybean tempeh based on the best formula. The method used is Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the concentration variation of the addition of a mixture of red bean flour and soybean tempeh. The selected formula was F1(20% red bean flour: 80% soybean tempeh) based on organoleptik tests, physical analysis, and nutritional content. The results of the physical analysis (hardness) of the selected nugget have the lowest hardness compared to other formulas in line with the hedonic quality test of hardness, which is soft. The contribution of nuggets to general group RDI is 7,7% energy, 21,9% protein, 4,0% fat, 6,9% carbohydrate, 23,8% fiber, 85,7% iron, and 8% B12 of daily needs. The nutritional content of the selected formula nugget is water 49,85 g/100g, ash 2,38 g/100g, fat 3,36 g/100g, protein 16,36 g/100g, total carbohydrates 28,04 g/100g, iron 23,56 mg/100g, dietary fiber 8 ,94 g/100g and B12 0,24 μg/100g. This product fulfills the claim of being a high-protein, high-fiber, and high-iron
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Vegetarian Nugget Berbasis Tepung Kacang Merah (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) dan Tempe Kedelaiid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Vegetarian Nugget Based on Red Beans Flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Soybean Tempehid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordred bean flourid
dc.subject.keywordsoybean tempehid

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