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dc.contributor.advisorEfendi, Darda
dc.contributor.advisorWidodo, Winarso
dc.contributor.authorKusuma, Fahmi Rachmadi Wijaya
dc.description.abstractApokad (Persea americana Mill) biasanya dikonsumsi dalam keadaan segar, dapat dimakan ketika sudah masak (ripe). Dalam 100 g buah apokad mengandung energi sebanyak 167 kkal, protein 1,96 g, karbohidrat 8,64 g, kalsium 13 mg, magnesium 29 mg, fosfor 54 mg, vitamin E 1.97 mg, dan asam lemak total tak jenuh 9,8 g. Produksi buah apokad di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 sebesar 410 094 ton artinya naik 12,92% dari tahun 2017. Percobaan ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi kitosan dan suhu simpan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan buah apokad. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua faktor yaitu suhu simpan dan konsentrasi kitosan. Suhu simpan terdiri atas dua taraf yaitu (17±1 oC) dan (13±1 oC) serta konsentrasi kitosan terdiri atas tiga taraf yaitu 0%, 2%, dan 4%. Pengamatan yang dilakukan yaitu pengamatan non destruktif dan pengamatan destruktif. Pengamatan non destruktif meliputi bobot buah, dan warna kulit buah, serta pegamatan destruktif meliputi padatan terlarut total, asam tertitrasi total, vitamin C, edible portion, kelunakan dan warna daging buah. Perlakuan kitosan 2% dan 4% dengan suhu simpan 13±1 oC memberikan pengaruh terhadap susut bobot, dan mempertahankan edible portion, kekerasan, PTT, warna daging dan warna kulit buah. Pelapisan kitosan 4% dengan suhu penyimpanan 13±1 oC dapat mempertahankan kualitas buah apokad selama 22
dc.description.abstractAvocado (Persea americana Mill) is usually consumed fresh, can be eaten when it is ripe (ripe). In 100 g of avocado contains 167 kcal of energy, 1.96 g of protein, 8.64 g of carbohydrates, 13 mg of calcium, 29 mg of magnesium, 54 mg of phosphorus, 1.97 mg of vitamin E, and 9 total unsaturated fatty acids. 8 g. The production of avocados in Indonesia in 2018 was 410 094 tons, an increase of 12.92% from 2017. This experiment aims to determine the relationship between chitosan concentration and storage temperature to extend the shelf life of avocados. This experiment used a randomized block design with two factors, namely storage temperature and chitosan concentration. The temperature consisted of two levels, namely (17±1 ℃) and (13±1 ℃) and the concentration of chitosan consisted of three levels, namely 0%, 2%, and 4%. Observations made are non-destructive observations and destructive observations. Non-destructive observations included fruit weight and skin color, and destructive observations included total dissolved solids, total titrated acid, vitamin C, edible portion, softness and color of fruit flesh. The treatment of 2% and 4% chitosan with a temperature of 13±1 ℃ gave an effect on weight loss, and maintained edible portion, hardness, PTT, flesh color and fruit skin color. Coating with 4% chitosan with a storage temperature of 13±1 ℃ can maintain the quality of avocados for 22
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Kitosan dan Suhu Simpan terhadap Umur Simpan dan Kualitas Pascapanen Apokad (Persea americana Mill.)id
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Chitosan and Storage Temperature on the Postharvest Shelf life and Quality of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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