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dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Firman
dc.contributor.authorWildhanrahman, Fakhoor Izaaz
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang interaksi belajar zakat bagi mualaf dengan menggunakan metode the Wheel yang diperkenalkan oleh Hartson dan Pyla. Aplikasi Hijrah Id versi 1 telah dikembangkan oleh beberapa personil civitas departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB yang bekerja sama dengan Mualaf Center Baznas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan empat tahap yaitu: understand needs, design solutions, prototype candidates dan evaluate UX. Penelitian diawali dengan tahapan understand needs melalui interview dengan lima orang pembina mualaf. Revisit ke tahapan evaluate UX dengan pengujian usability aplikasi Hijrah Id versi 1 kepada tiga orang mualaf dengan tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 90,5%. Tahapan understand needs kedua dilakukan dengan interview kepada empat orang mualaf. Hasil akhir penelitian ini berdasarkan tahapan design solutions dan prototype candidates berupa analisis perilaku dan kebutuhan mualaf yang direpresentasikan dalam bentuk user persona, user story, storyboard serta rancangan interaksi belajar zakat pada mualaf dalam bentuk medium-fidelity
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted to test the usefulness of the Hijrah Id application and the interaction of zakat learning interactions for converts using The Wheel method introduced by Hartson and Pyla. The Hijrah Id application version 1 has been developed by several personnel of the Computer Science department of IPB in collaboration with the Mualaf Center of Baznas. This research was carried out in four stages, namely: understand needs, design solutions, prototype candidates and evaluate UX. The study began with the stage of understanding needs through interviews with five converts. Revisit to the UX evaluate stage by testing the usability of the Hijrah Id application version 1 for three converts with a success rate of 90,5%. The second understanding needs stage was carried out by interviewing four converts. The final results of this study were based on the stages of design solutions and prototype candidates in the form of an analysis of the behavior and needs of converts. The final result of this study is based on the solution design stage and prototype candidate in the form of behavior analysis and needs of converts which are represented in the form of user personas, user stories, storyboards, and the design of zakat learning interactions for converts in the form of a medium-fidelity
dc.description.sponsorshipLembaga Beasiswa Baznasid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerancangan Interaksi Belajar Zakat untuk Mualaf pada Aplikasi Hijrah Id dengan Metode The Wheelid
dc.title.alternativeDesigning Zakat Learning Interactions for Mualaf in Hijrah Id Apps with The Wheel Methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordHijrah Idid

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