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dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Euis
dc.contributor.authorSafitri, Nurdewi Azizah
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses dan output resiliensi keluarga korban banjir bandang. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional study. Pendekatan retrospektif digunakan untuk mendapatkan data 1 bulan pascabencana. Sampel dipilih secara purposive sampling yakni 60 keluarga korban banjir bandang Lebak yang tinggal di hunian sementara Desa Bungur Mekar dan Desa Pajagan. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada Maret 2021, tepat 15 bulan pascabencana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bencana menyebabkan keluarga mengalami krisis selama 3,5 bulan. Proses resiliensi keluarga pada 15 bulan lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada 1 bulan pascabencana. Seluruh variabel pada proses dan output resiliensi keluarga saling berhubungan positif di setiap bulannya. Hasil uji regresi menunjukkan bahwa pada bulan ke-15, kapasitas organisasi keluarga dan atmosfer keluarga secara konsisten berpengaruh terhadap kenaikan capaian output resiliensi keluarga (subjektif). Sementara itu, semakin bertambah tua usia suami berpengaruh terhadap penurunan capaian output resiliensi keluarga (subjektif). Hasil penelitian diharapkan menyediakan data dan informasi bagi para pengambil kebijakan dan program untuk meningkatkan ketangguhan keluarga dalam menghadapi
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to analyze the process and the output of family resilience on flash flood victims. The research design was cross sectional study. Retrospective approach used to obtain data for the 1 st month post-disaster. The sample was selected by purposive sampling, specifically 60 families of Lebak flash flood victims who stay in temporary housing Bungur Mekar Village and Pajagan Village. Data was collected in March 2021, 15th months post-disaster. The result showed that the disaster caused the family to live in crisis for 3,5 months. The process of family resilience at 15th months is higher than at 1st month post-disaster. All process variables and the output of family resilience were positively related every month. The regression test results showed that at the 15th months, family organization capacity and family atmosphere consistently influenced the increase of family resilience output (subjective). Meanwhile, the older husband’s age influenced the decrease of family resilience output (subjective). The result of this study are expected to provide data and information for policy and program makers to reinforce family resilience in dealing with disastersid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProses dan Output Resiliensi Keluarga Korban Banjir Bandang Lebak 2020 yang Tinggal di Hunian Sementaraid
dc.title.alternativeProcess and Output of Family Resilience on Lebak Flash Flood Victims in 2020 Who Stay in Temporary Housingid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfamily resilienceid
dc.subject.keywordflash floodid
dc.subject.keywordtemporary housingid

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