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dc.contributor.advisorFahmi, Idqan
dc.contributor.authorAniza, Aniza
dc.description.abstractFenomena munculnya online shop menimbulkan perubahan perilaku belanja masyarakat menjadi tinggi dan lebih konsumtif. Pada November 2020 penjualan Serasi mengalami penurunan dibandingkan bulan-bulan sebelumnya, dan dengan sumber daya manusia serta finansial yang terbatas, Serasi harus dapat tetap bertahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengevaluasi kinerja bauran pemasaran Serasi, (2) menganalisis atribut yang dipentingkan oleh konsumen produk fashion online, dan (3) menganalisis dan merumuskan strategi minimum viable marketing yang dapat diterapkan oleh Serasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan atribut pada variabel cocreation, currency, dan conversation menjadi atribut yang fokus untuk diperbaiki dalam rancangan strategi minimum viable marketing Serasi. Perbaikan atribut dilakukan dengan membuat website dan email marketing sebagai fondasi pemasaran, didukung dengan pengayaan konten kreatif di media sosial dan membuat komunitas influencer hijab tak berbayar sebagai amplification channelid
dc.description.abstractThe phenomenon of the online shop causes changes in people's shopping behavior to be increased and more consumptive. In November 2020, Serasi’s sales was decreased compared to the previous months and with all the limited human and financial resources, Serasi must be able to survive. The objective of this study are to: (1) evaluate the performance of Serasi’s marketing mix, (2) analyze attributes that are important for fashion online consumers, (3) analyze and formulate a minimum viable marketing strategy design that can be applied to Serasi. The results showed that the attributes of the co-creation, currency, and conversation variables were attributes that were the focus for improvement in the company's minimum viable marketing design. The attribute improvement is done by create a website and email marketing as a marketing foundation, supported by creative content enrichment on social media and create unpaid hijab influencer as an implification
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Minimum Viable Marketing pada Online Shop "Serasi"id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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