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dc.contributor.advisorIsmayana, Andes
dc.contributor.authorTarigan, Maheswara Adhitsaqif Dewariqo
dc.description.abstractBeberapa kegiatan operasional pada produksi mi instan berpotensi menimbulkan emisi ke lingkungan. Besarnya emisi yang dihasilkan dapat ditentukan melalui metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi inventory, menganalisis besarnya emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK), asidifikasi, eutrofikasi, dan menetapkan usaha penurunan besaran emisi pada kegiatan produksi mi instan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan metode LCA, yang terdiri dari goal and scoping, inventory analysis, impact assessment, dan interpretation. Kegiatan daur hidup mi instan pada scope gate to gate menunjukkan jumlah besaran emisi GRK 0,50 kg CO2(eq)/kg mi instan, asidifikasi 8,4×10-4 kg SO2(eq)/kg mi instan, dan eutrofikasi 6×10-5 kg PO43-(eq)/kg mi instan. Spot produksi menghasilkan emisi tertinggi, yaitu GRK 0,46 kg CO2(eq)/kg mi instan, asidifikasi 7,7×10-4 kg SO2(eq)/kg mi instan, dan eutrofikasi 5×10-5 kg PO43-(eq)/kg mi instan. Perbaikan dilakukan dengan (1) Subtitusi listrik dengan 100% photovoltaic (GRK 7,71%, asidifikasi 24,42%, dan eutrofikasi 15,51%), (2) Penggantian forklift dengan listrik PLN (GRK (0,21)%, asidifikasi (0,04)%, dan eutrofikasi 0,78%), jika dengan listrik photovoltaic (GRK 0,10%, asidifikasi 0,82%, dan eutrofikasi 1,27%), (3) Substitusi bahan bakar boiler menggunakan briket cangkang kemiri (GRK 12,19% dan asidifikasi 35,80%), (4) Penggantian HFC menjadi Hydrocarbon (GRK 16,55%, asidifikasi 3,26%, dan eutrofikasi 1,72%). (5) Proses sanitasi dengan metode Hydroblasting (GRK 0,73%, asidifikasi 0,72%, dan eutrofikasi 0,81%).id
dc.description.abstractSeveral operational activities in the production of instant noodles have the potential to cause emissions to the environment. The amount of emissions produced can be determined through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The purpose of this research is to identify inventory, analyze the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, acidification, eutrophication, and determine the effort to reduce the amount of emissions in instant noodle production activities. The research was conducted using the LCA method approach, which consists of goal and scoping, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation. Instant noodle life cycle activities at the gate to gate scope showed the amount of GHG emissions of 0,50 kg CO2(eq)/kg instant noodles, acidification 8,4×10-4 kg SO2(eq)/kg instant noodles, and eutrophication 6×10-5 kg PO43-(eq)/kg instant noodles. Spot production produced the highest emissions, namely GHG 0,46 kg CO2(eq)/kg instant noodles, acidification 7,7×10-4 kg SO2(eq)/kg instant noodles, and eutrophication 5×10-5 kg PO43-(eq )/kg instant noodles. Improvements were made by (1) electricity substitution with 100% photovoltaic (7,71% GHG, 24,42% acidification, and 15,51%), eutrophication, (2) Replaced of forklifts with PLN electricity (GRK (0,21)%, acidification (0,04)%, and eutrophication 0,78%), if with photovoltaic electricity (0,10% GHG, 0,82% acidification, and 1,27% eutrophication), (3) Boiler fuel substitution used candlenut shell briquettes (GHG 12,19% and acidification 35,80%), (4) Replacement of HFCs into Hydrocarbons (GHG 16,55%, acidification 3,26%, and eutrophication 1,72%). (5) Sanitation process used the Hydroblasting method (0,73% GHG, 0,72% acidification, and 0,81% eutrophication).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKajian Penilaian Daur Hidup (Life Cycle Assessment) Produksi Mi Instan (PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur TBK Cabang Palembang)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordgas rumah kacaid
dc.subject.keywordlife cycle assessment (LCA)id
dc.subject.keywordMi Instanid
dc.subject.keywordinstant noodlesid
dc.subject.keywordgreenhouse gases (GHG)id

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