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dc.contributor.advisorJahroh, Siti
dc.contributor.advisorAbdullah, Asaduddin
dc.contributor.authorSulistyoaji, Muhammad Farizqi
dc.description.abstractLaHaunt merupakan inovasi penerapan gamifikasi pada aplikasi marketplace dan media investasi pertanian untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan dan keterlibatan pengguna millennials dan gen z. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan calon pengguna, merancang model gamifikasi dan bisnis “LaHaunt”, dan merancang prototype yang sesuai. Penelitian ini melibatkan 38 responden di Jabodetabek, sejak Januari hingga Mei 2021, menggunakan metode design thinking, gamification model canvas, system usability scale, dan analisis model ACCORD. Hasil penelitian ini berupa LaHaunt yang dapat menyelesaikan empat kategori permasalahan pengguna, meliputi kelengkapan produk, layanan pemesanan, pemrosesan pesanan, dan layanan investasi. LaHaunt menerapkan model bisnis strategis, yang terintegrasi dengan gamifikasi sistematis mencakup dinamika emotions dan relationships. Solusi berupa prototype LaHaunt dirancang sesuai dengan preferensi pengguna, dan terverifikasi pada uji persepsi
dc.description.abstractLaHaunt is an innovative gamification application in the marketplace application and agriculture investment platform to increase the interest and engagement of millennial and gen z users. This study aims to identify the problem of potential users, design a gamification model and business model for LaHaunt, and design a suitable prototype. This study involved 38 respondents in Greater Jakarta from January to May 2021. This study was conducted using the design thinking methods, gamification model canvas, system usability scale, and ACCORD model analysis. The result showed that LaHaunt could solve four categories of users’ problems, including product completeness, ordering services, order processing, and investment services. LaHaunt applied a strategic business model which is integrated with systematic gamification that included emotions and relationships dynamics. The prototype of LaHaunt was designed based on user preferences and verified on perceived usability
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerancangan Model Bisnis 'LaHaunt' Wadah Penjualan dan Investasi Produk Pertanian dengan Pendekatan Gamification Dynamicsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordACCORD model analysisid
dc.subject.keywordAgriculture appid
dc.subject.keywordDesign thinkingid
dc.subject.keywordGamification model canvasid

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