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dc.contributor.advisorWidajati, Eny
dc.contributor.advisorPutro, Trisno Yuwono
dc.contributor.authorMuthoharoh, Zaujatun
dc.description.abstractPengujian mutu benih perlu dilakukan secara cepat dan akurat. Aplikasi sensor untuk deteksi konsentrasi senyawa dalam air rendaman benih dimanfaatkan untuk menganalisa tingkat kebocoran membran pada benih. Pendeteksian ini diperlukan secara kontinu untuk mempermudah observasi langsung di lapangan dalam menganalisa perkecambahan. Penelitian bertujuan menguji alat deteksi konsentrasi senyawa dalam air rendaman benih berbasis IoT dan membandingkan hasil pengujian alat dengan hasil pengujian viabilitas dan vigor benih. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak faktor tunggal yaitu viabilitas benih kedelai yang terdiri atas enam taraf berdasarkan daya berkecambah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat deteksi konsentrasi senyawa dalam air rendaman benih dapat membedakan tingkat viabilitas dan vigor benih berdasarkan korelasi antara pengukuran konsentrasi senyawa dalam air rendaman benih dengan tolok ukur daya hantar listrik, potensi tumbuh maksimum, kecepatan tumbuh, berat kering kecambah normal, daya berkecambah, dan indeks vigor. Alat deteksi konsentrasi senyawa dalam air rendaman benih dengan menggunakan internet of things dapat mendeteksi tingkat viabilitas dan vigor benih dengan
dc.description.abstractSeed quality testing needs to be done quickly and accurately. Sensor applications for detection of compound concentrations in seed soaking water are used to analyze the level of membrane leakage in seeds. This detection is needed continuously to facilitate direct observation in the field in analyzing germination. The aim of the study was to test a tool for detecting the concentration of compounds in IoT-based seed soaking water and to compare the results of the test with the results of the viability and seed vigor testing. This study used a single factor randomized complete block design, namely soybean seed viability which consisted of six levels based on germination. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the detection tool for the concentration of compounds in seed soaking water can distinguish the level of viability and vigor of seeds based on the correlation between measurements of compound concentrations in seed soaking water and benchmarks for electrical conductivity, maximum growth potential, growth speed, dry weight of normal sprouts, germination, and vigor index. The tool for detecting the concentration of compounds in seed soaking water using the internet of things can detect the viability and vigor of seeds
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengujian Alat Deteksi Konsentrasi Senyawa dalam Air Rendaman Benih Berbasis Internet of Thingsid
dc.title.alternativeTesting of the Equipment for Detection of the Compound Concentration in the Seed leakage Based on Internet of Thingsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmembrane leakageid
dc.subject.keywordsensor applicationsid
dc.subject.keywordsoybean seedid

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