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dc.contributor.advisorSopandie, Didy
dc.contributor.advisorAgusta, Herdhata
dc.contributor.authorMu'iz From Abdul Mu'iz, Abdul From Abdul Mu'iz
dc.description.abstractKelapa sawit merupakan komoditas peringkat pertama dalam menyumbang devisa negara yang ditunjang oleh luas areal budidaya tertinggi daripada komoditas yang lain. Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan di Kebun Adolina, PTPN IV, Sumatera Utara. Magang ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan teknis maupun manajerial dalam melaksanakan budidaya kelapa sawit khususnya pemanenan. Data dan informasi yang diperoleh diolah secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa angka kerapatan panen (AKP) maupun taksasi sesuai dengan rencana dan kapasitas panen pokok tahun tanam 2016 dan 1997 sesuai dengan standar (600 kg dan 1000 kg) dengan hasil tidak berbeda nyata pada taraf 95%, sedangkan kapasistas panen pokok tahun tanam 2005 berbeda nyata pada taraf 5% dengan ketercapaian kapasitas melebihi standar (1500 kg). Transportasi panen sudah memenuhi standar dengan menyelesaikan pengangkutan buah kurang dari sehari. Realisasi rotasi panen cenderung lebih cepat 1─3 hari dari rencana yang menyebabkan adanya 1% buah mentah yang terpanen pada pokok tahun tanam 2005. Mutu buah yang dihasilkan belum mencapai standar 100% matang, yang mana pokok tahun tanam 2016 dan 2005 menghasilkan 86,7% dan 95% matang. Efisiensi mutu hanca pokok tahun tanam 2016 yaitu 93,7% sehingga perlu ditingkatkan sampai 100%. Rata-rata realisasi kebutuhan tenaga kerja per hari yaitu 19,7 pemanen yang lebih rendah dari rencana yaitu 22,6 pemanen, sehingga membutuhkan penambahan 2─3 tenaga kerja. Kekurangan tenaga kerja tersebut masih dapat ditutupi oleh kapasitas pemanen yang tinggi dengan ketercapaian rata-rata 1413,3 kg sedangkan standar rata-rata 1033,3 kg. Penggunaan alat pelindung diri helm dan sepatu boot sudah baik dengan 100% pemanen menggunakannya, namun pada penggunaan kacamata mencapai 95,4% sehingga memerlukan peningkatan untuk menjamin keselamatan
dc.description.abstractOil palm is a leading commodity with highest contribution to the nation’s trade income and has the widest span of cultivation area compared to other commodities. Internship was conducted in Adolina estate, PTPN IV, North Sumatra. This internship aimed to improve knowledge, technical and managerial skills in oil palm cultivation operation, especially during harvest. The data and information obtained were processed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the observations showed that the harvest density and taxation were compliance with the initially plan and harvest capacity for the 2016 and 1997 planting years were in accordance with the standards (600 kg and 1000 kg); the results not significantly different at the 95% level, while the harvest capacity for the 2005 planting year was significantly different at the 5% level with the achievement of capacity exceeding the standard (1500 kg). Harvest transportation has met the standard by completing the transport of fruit in less than a day. The realization of crop rotation tends to be 1─3 days faster than the plan which caused 1% of unripe fruit to be harvested in the 2005 planting year. The quality of the fruit produced has not reached the 100% standard of ripe, in which the 2016 and 2005 cropping years yielded 86.7%. and 95% ripe. Quality efficiency of hanca (harvest area) at trees with planting year of 2016 were only 93.7%, thus requiring an improvement in order to reach 100% efficiency. The average realization of the need for workers per day was 19.7 people, lower than the initially plan, i.e. 22.6 people, so it requires an additional 2─3 workers. This labor shortage can still be overcome by the high capacity of harvesters with the average of achievements were 1413.3 kg, while the average of standards were 1033.3 kg. Harvest transportation has met the standard by completing the transport of fruit in less than a day. The realization of crop rotation tends to be 1─3 days faster than the plan which caused 1% of unripe fruit to be harvested in the 2005 planting year. The quality of the fruit produced has not reached the 100% standard of ripe, in which the 2016 and 2005 cropping years yielded 86.7%. and 95% ripe. The use of personal protective equipment, helmets and boots, was complete, where 100% of harvesters used them, but only 95.4% used goggles, so there needs to be improvements to ensure work
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleManajemen Panen Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Adolina PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV, Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utaraid
dc.title.alternativeHarvest Management of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at Adolina Estate PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV, Serdang Bedagai, North Sumateraid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpalm oilid

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