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dc.contributor.advisorYani, Mohamad
dc.contributor.advisorKuncoro, Deasy Kartika Rahayu
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Haykal Gustian
dc.description.abstractIndustri kecil menengah merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Peran penting IKM adalah mempercepat pemerataan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Salah satu bisnis yang cukup bermunculan adalah bisnis food and beverages. Studi kelayakan industri dilakukan untuk menentukan kelayakan sebuah industri dengan meninjau beberapa aspek, yaitu teknis dan teknologi, manajemen dan SDM, lingkungan, dan finansial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun studi kelayakan dari aspek teknis dan teknologi, finansial, manajemen dan SDM, lingkungan, dan pemasaran serta melakukan analisa bisnis menggunakan BMC. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan industri minuman mocktail Trihead Beverages memiliki kapasitas produksi sebanyak 1000 botol perbulan. Berdasarkan kelayakan finansial, industri layak untuk dijalankan dengan NPV Rp 107.538.533, IRR sebesar 31.06%, gross B/C ratio sebesar 1.03%, dan PBP selama 4.39 tahun. Analisa bisnis dilakukan menggunakan metode BMC dengan melihat 9 aspek, yaitu customer segments, value propositions, channel, customer relationship, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, dan cost structure. Hasil dari analisa bisnis dapat dilihat bahwa Trihead Beverages sudah memiliki visi yang jelas untuk bisnis yang akan dijalankan dan merubah fokusnya bukan dengan produksi saja melainkan menjual jasanya juga dengan mengacu kepada BMC 2 yang sudah
dc.description.abstractSmall and medium industries are an important part of Indonesia's economic growth. The important role of SMEs is to accelerate the distribution of economic growth. One of the emerging businesses is the food and beverages business. Industrial feasibility studies are conducted to determine the feasibility of an industry by reviewing several aspects, namely technical and technology, management and human resources, environment, and finance. This study aims to compile a feasibility study from technical and technological aspects, finance, management and human resources, environment, and marketing as well as conduct business analysis using BMC. The results of this study indicate that the mocktail beverage industry of Trihead Beverages has a production capacity of 1000 bottles per month. Based on financial feasibility, the industry is feasible to run with an NPV of IDR 107,538,533, an IRR of 31.06%, a gross B/C ratio of 1.03%, and a PBP of 4.39 years. Business analysis is carried out using the BMC method by looking at 9 aspects, namely customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, and cost structure. The results of the business analysis can be seen that Trihead Beverages already has a clear vision for the business to be run and xiv changes its focus not only to production but also selling its services by referring to the BMC 2 that has been
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStudi Kelayakan Pengembangan Industri Minuman Mocktailid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordgross B/C ratioid

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