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dc.contributor.advisorBarlan, Zessy Ardinal
dc.contributor.authorHanifah, Azzah
dc.description.abstractOrganisasi Gapoktan Lestari adalah suatu wadah yang memfasilitasi kelompok tani Desa Bulakpacing untuk bekerjasama dalam meningkatkan usaha pertanian. Dalam menanggapi hal ini, Gapoktan Lestari telah membuat berbagai program, salah satunya Program Budi Daya Padi Sehat. Program ini telah dilaksanakan secara swadaya oleh Gapoktan untuk menekan penggunaan pupuk kimia dan peniadaan pestisida kimia serta menekan modal bagi petani. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas organisasi, keberhasilan program dan hubungan antara efektivitas organisasi dengan keberhasilan program. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Bulakpacing, Kecamatan Dukuhwaru, Kabupaten Tegal. Responden yang ditetapkan berjumlah 35 orang melalui metode sensus. Penelitian ini didukung dengan wawancara mendalam kepada informan dipilih secara sengaja. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang nyata antara persepsi efektivitas organisasi dan persepsi keberhasilan
dc.description.abstractThe Gapoktan Lestari organization is a forum for facilitates farmer groups in Bulakpacing Village to cooperate in improving agricultural businesses. In response to this, Gapoktan Lestari has made various programs, one of which is The Healthy Rice Cultivation Program. This program has been implemented independently by Gapoktan to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and eliminate chemical pesticides also to reduce the agricultural capital cost. The purpose of this study is to analyze organizational effectiveness, program success and the relationship between organizational effectiveness and program success. This research was conducted in Bulakpacing Village, Dukuhwaru District, Tegal Regency. The repsondents of this study number 35 people determined by census method. This research is supported by in-depth interviews with purposively selected informants. Data analysis was done descriptively and correlation test Rank Spearman. The results showed that there is a real relationship between perceived organizational effectiveness and perceived program
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHubungan antara Persepsi Efektivitas Organisasi dengan Persepsi Keberhasilan Program (Studi Kasus: Gapoktan Lestari, Desa Bulakpacing, Kecamatan Dukuhwaru, Kabupaten Tegal).id
dc.title.alternativeThe Relationship between Perceived Organizational Effectiveness with Perceived Program Success (study case: Gapoktan Lestari, Bulakpacing Village, Dukuhwaru Sub-distric, Tegal District).id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordorganizational effectivenessid
dc.subject.keywordprogram successid
dc.subject.keywordkeberhasilan programid
dc.subject.keywordefektivitas organisasiid

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