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dc.contributor.advisorMaarif, M. Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorDilla, Salsa
dc.contributor.authorAnggreni, Ni Kadek Sintya
dc.description.abstractPada era VUCA, peluang dan pemasaran saja tidak cukup untuk keberlanjutan suatu bisnis. Maka dari itu, diperlukannya customer engagement untuk membentuk keterikatan dan loyalitas konsumen pada Maha Lemon Bali Food Industry. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan, di antaranya (1) menganalisis kondisi existing dari Maha Lemon; (2) menganalisis rancangan strategi customer engagement yang tepat untuk Maha Lemon; (3) menganalisis kanvas bisnis model Maha Lemon sudah terverifikasi. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada customer engagement dengan pendekatan bauran pemasaran 4C, perjalanan konsumen 5A dan kanvas bisnis model. Hasil penelitian ini adalah diperlukannya customer engagement di beberapa kegiatan pada penjualan Maha Lemon Bali Food Industry untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan serta meningkatkan penjualan melalui formulasi bauran pemasaran 4C yang meliputi co-creation, currency, communal activation dan
dc.description.abstractIn this era of VUCA, opportunity and marketing alone are not enough for a business. Therefore, customer engagement is needed to develop consumer attachment and loyalty to Maha Lemon Bali Food Industry. This study has the objectives, namely (1) to analyze the existing conditions of Maha Lemon; (2) analyzing the design of the right customer engagement strategy for Maha Lemon; (3) analyzing Maha Lemon's business model canvas has been verified. This research focuses on customer engagement with the 4C marketing mix approach, 5A consumer journey and the business canvas model. The results of this study indicate that the requirement of the customer engagement in several sales activities of Maha Lemon Bali Food Industry to increase customer satisfaction and increase sales through the formulation of the 4C marketing mix which includes co-creation, currency, communal activation and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Customer Engagement untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Maha Lemon Bali Food Industryid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness model canvasid
dc.subject.keywordcustomer engagementid
dc.subject.keyword4C marketing mixid
dc.subject.keyword5A customer pathid

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