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dc.contributor.advisorWiendi, Ni Made Armini
dc.contributor.authorBahri, Khalim Rizkiana
dc.description.abstractBenzylaminopurine (BAP) merupakan sitokinin sintetis yang berpotensi meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari respon empat varietas padi sawah terhadap aplikasi beberapa konsentrasi BAP. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Sawah Baru, IPB University dari bulan Januari-Mei 2020. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan split plot dua faktor, varietas (IPB 3S, Inpari 42, Hipa 18, dan Akitakomachi) sebagai petak utama dan konsentrasi BAP (0 ppm, 15 ppm, 30 ppm, dan 45 ppm) sebagai anak petak. Aplikasi BAP konsentrasi 0 ppm sampai 45 ppm secara linear meningkatkan nilai bagan warna daun dan hasil rendemen giling. Aplikasi BAP 30 ppm dan 45 ppm dapat meningkatkan volume akar fase vegetatif dan bobot 1000 butir. Aplikasi BAP 45 ppm meningkatkan bobot kering tajuk fase vegetatif dan panjang daun bendera, namun sebaliknya menghambat pemanjangan malai. Hipa 18 dan IPB 3S menunjukkan respon positif terhadap aplikasi BAP 45 ppm. Kosentrasi 45 ppm meningkatkan akumulasi bobot kering tajuk vegetatif pada IPB 3S dan Hipa 18, serta panjang daun bendera pada IPB 3S. Kata kunci: Hibrida, indica, japonica, padi tipe baru, sitokininid
dc.description.abstractBenzylaminopurine (BAP) is a synthetic cytokinin derived from adenine which generally has the potential to increase plant growth and development. This study aims to study the four varieties of lowland rice respone to the BAP application in the several concentrations. The research was carried out at the Sawah Baru Experimental Garden, IPB University from January-May 2020. The experiment used a split plot design with two factors, variety (IPB 3S, Inpari 42, Hipa 18, and Akitakomachi) as main plot and BAP concentration (0, 15, 30, and 45 ppm ) as subplot. Application of BAP concentrations from 0 ppm to 45 ppm linearly increased leaf color chart values and milled yields. Application of 30 ppm and 45 ppm BAP increased root volume in the vegetative phase and 1000 grains weight. Application of 45 ppm BAP increased canopy dry weight in the vegetative phase and flag leaf length, but on the other hand inhibited panicle elongation. The Hipa 18 and IPB 3S varieties responded positively to 45 ppm BAP application. Concentration of 45 ppm increased dry weight accumulation in IPB 3S and Hipa 18’s vegetative canopy and the flag leaf of IPB 3S. Key words: Hybrid, indica, japonica, new type varieties, synthetic cytokininid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAplikasi Benzylaminopurien untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Empat Varietas Padi Sawahid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Benzylamionpurine to Increase Growth and Productivity of Four Rice Varietiesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordnew type varietiesid
dc.subject.keywordsynthetic cytokininid

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