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dc.contributor.advisorSumardjo, Sumardjo
dc.contributor.advisorSadono, Dwi
dc.contributor.advisorBurhanuddin, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorKusumadinata, Ali Alamsyah
dc.description.abstractThe risk of farming rice swamps that have a lot of problems in managing farming rice makes farmers swamp affected by the level of production and income were received fairly low. Low self-reliance of farmers of rice marsh in the management of land marsh caused by information, innovation, and the ability of communication risks swamp rice farmers who are still classified as low. Management of risks rice swamps are highly influenced by the condition of nature and the environment topography of the area swamps and system of cultivation which used the farmers both the means of production are used, monitoring the organism nuisance plants as well as fluctuations in the price of grain and rice. Communication of risk is part of the communication that can provide input information that is kept constant and reciprocal forth between extension worker, groups of farmers, governments, and partners farmer so happened to increase the independence of farmers in farming rice swamp to involve farmers in the development of the means of agricultural, liveliness extension in the dissemination of innovation information swamp rice farming. In addition to the price that continues to dynamically follow the request tastes market. Increasing the ability of farmers to answer the challenges of law No. 19 of 2013 concerning the protection and empowerment of farmers. The ability of farmers to establish themselves as private are independent of the terms of the power of competitiveness, power filter, and power sanding, need to be aspects of the amplifier main to run the farming of rice that manage the farmers as a source of eye livelihood principal. The purpose of the research was (1) to analyze the communication of risk, the level of independence of farmers, and the factors that affect the farming of rice in the District Banyuasin and Regency of Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera. (2) analyze the factors which predominantly affect the communication of risk and the level of independence of farmers in farming rice swamp. (3) developing a risk communication strategy formulation in increasing the independence of swamp rice farmers in South Sumatra. The research was using the approach to the study of quantitative and using survey techniques. The study involved 294 samples from two districts. Withdrawal of samples carried out by random stratified to see the data that is held respectively in the district were selected in District Ogan Ilir and District Banyuasin. Withdrawal of samples to take from some groups that belong in the group of farmers and distributed questionnaires and on the interview following the guidelines for the interview. Risk farming rice swamps that occur have the intensity that enough was which often happens flood seasonally, as well as the attack of pests which reduce the production of farmers as well as fluctuations in the price of grain is often no uncertain which impact on the income of farmers. The ability of communication risk of farmers derived from the activities of farmers in the follow socialization in villages and groups of farmers and media information directly and not directly. The process of communication of risk occurs periodically continues to be monitored by the extension workers and officers of agriculture. Independence of farmers of rice marsh that held still quite weak although the ability southwest strain, competitiveness and partnership farmers on rating farmers quite valuable medium and high. Factors that relate to the farming of rice swamp was characteristic of the social economy of farmers where the life of the farmers means 47 years with the level of education medium, the intensity of education nonformal relying meeting groups and counseling to experience farming 24 years and scale management of land less than 2 ha, total member family categorized a family of small (4 people in one family), the level of cosmopolite has been developing open access to the outside, the livelihood in fulfilling the needs of the subject was the farmer and not the farmer (trade and services). While the personal characteristics of categorized farmers can build communication skills in increasing swamp rice farming independence. The availability of agricultural information comes from non-conventional, conventional media, innovation institutions, farmer groups, and innovator farmers. The source of information that becomes a reference for farmers was farmer groups and innovator farmers who are fostered by extension agents. The size of quality of the source of information that was used still limited in the build understanding and action of communication which is measured through the credibility of information, quality information, benefits information, and affordability of information. Support environmental institutions that were in the village of study categorized minor role in the development of agriculture better utilization of agency business belonging to the village, the company farms, while in support of a policy, extension, marketing, and infrastructure that was low. Risk communication was influenced by the characteristics of private farmers, the level of access to information about agriculture, the level of quality of the source of information about agriculture in a positive and significant, while Characteristics of the social economy of farmers and the level of support for the environment institutional influence, but not significantly. The total influence was 83 percent. The level of farmer independence was influenced by the level of support for the institutional environment and risk communication with a total effect of 57 percent. The risk communication strategies to increase farmer independence are: (1) increasing the quality of agricultural information sources at the farm level, (2) increasing access to agricultural information for direct farmers, (3) increasing the role of agricultural institutions and (4) increasing the intensity of risk communication in agriculture in each
dc.description.abstractALI ALAMSYAH KUSUMADINATA. Komunikasi Risiko untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Petani Padi Rawa di Sumatera Selatan. Dibimbing oleh SUMARDJO, DWI SADONO dan BURHANUDDIN. Risiko pertanian padi rawa yang memiliki banyak masalah dalam pengelolaan usahatani padi membuat petani rawa terdampak dengan tingkat produksi dan pendapatan yang diterima cukup rendah. Rendahnya kemandirian petani padi rawa dalam pengelolaan lahan rawa disebabkan oleh informasi, inovasi dan kemampuan komunikasi risiko petani padi rawa yang masih tergolong rendah. Pengelolaan risiko padi rawa yang sangat dipengaruhi kondisi alam dan lingkungan topografi wilayah rawa serta sistem budidaya yang digunakan petani baik sarana produksi yang digunakan, pengawasan organisme pengganggu tanaman serta fluktuasi harga gabah dan beras. Komunikasi risiko merupakan bagian dari komunikasi yang mampu memberikan input informasi yang terus menerus dan timbal balik antara penyuluh, kelompok tani, pemerintah dan mitra tani sehingga terjadi peningkatan kemandirian petani dalam usahatani padi rawa dengan melibatkan petani dalam pembangunan sarana pertanian, keaktifan penyuluh dalam sosialisasi inovasi informasi pertanian padi rawa. Selain itu harga yang terus dinamis mengikuti permintaan selera pasar. Peningkatan kemampuan petani untuk menjawab tantangan undang-undang no 19 tahun 2013 tentang perlindungan dan pemberdayaan petani. Kemampuan petani dalam membangun dirinya sebagai pribadi yang mandiri dari segi daya saing, daya saring dan daya sanding, perlu menjadi aspek penguat utama untuk menjalankan usahatani padi yang kelola petani sebagai sumber mata pencaharian pokok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis komunikasi risiko, tingkat kemandirian petani, dan faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam berusahatani padi di Kabupaten Banyuasin dan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan. (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi komunikasi risiko dan tingkat kemandirian petani dalam berusahatani padi rawa. (3) membangun rumusan strategi komunikasi risiko dalam meningkatkan kemandirian petani padi rawa di Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan teknik survei. Penelitian melibatkan 294 sampel dari dua kabupaten. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara acak berstratifikasi dengan melihat data yang dimiliki masing-masing di kecamatan yang terpilih di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir dan Kabupaten Banyuasin. Penarikan sampel dengan mengambil dari sejumlah kelompok yang tergabung di kelompok tani dan disebarkan angket serta di wawancara sesuai dengan pedoman wawancara. Risiko pertanian padi rawa yang terjadi memiliki intensitas yang cukup sedang di mana seringnya terjadi banjir musiman, serta serangan hama yang mengurangi produksi petani serta fluktuasi harga gabah yang sering tak menentu yang berdampak pada pendapatan petani. Kemampuan komunikasi risiko petani diperoleh dari aktivitas petani dalam mengikuti sosialisasi di desa dan kelompok tani serta media informasi langsung dan tak langsung. Proses komunikasi risiko terjadi secara berkala terus dimonitoring oleh penyuluh dan petugas pertanian. Kemandirian petani padi rawa yang dimiliki masih cukup lemah meskipun kemampuan daya saring, saing dan sanding petani pada penilaian petani cukup bernilai sedang dan tinggi. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan usahatani padi rawa adalah karakteristik sosial ekonomi petani terdiri dari umur petani rerata 47 tahun dengan tingkat pendidikan menengah, intensitas pendidikan nonformal sedang mengandalkan pertemuan kelompok dan penyuluhan dengan pengalaman usahatani 24 tahun dan skala pengelolaan lahan kurang dari 2 ha, jumlah anggota keluarga terkategori keluarga kecil (4 orang dalam satu keluarga), tingkat kosmopolit telah berkembang membuka akses dengan pihak luar, usaha mata pencarian dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pokok adalah tani dan bukan tani (berdagang dan jasa). Peubah ciri pribadi petani terkategori mampu membangun kemampuan komunikasi dalam meningkatkan kemandirian bertani padi rawa. Ketersediaan informasi pertanian bersumber dari media nonkonvensional, konvensional, lembaga inovasi, kelompok tani dan petani inovator. Sumber informasi yang menjadi rujukan petani adalah kelompok tani dan petani inovator yang dibina oleh penyuluh. Ukuran mutu sumber informasi yang digunakan masih terbatas dalam membangun pemahaman dan tindakan komunikasi yang diukur melalui kredibilitas informasi, kualitas informasi, manfaat informasi dan keterjangkauan informasi. Dukungan lingkungan kelembagaan yang terdapat di desa penelitian terkategori kecil berperan dalam pembangunan pertanian baik pemanfaatan badan usaha milik desa, perusahaan pertanian, sedangkan pada dukungan kebijakan, penyuluhan, pemasaran dan infrastruktur masih rendah. Komunikasi risiko dipengaruhi oleh ciri pribadi petani, tingkat akses informasi pertanian, tingkat mutu sumber informasi pertanian secara positif dan signifikan sedangkan karakteristik sosial ekonomi petani dan tingkat dukungan lingkungan kelembagaan berpengaruh namun tidak signifikan. Total pengaruh sebesar 83 persen. Tingkat kemandirian petani dipengaruhi oleh tingkat dukungan lingkungan kelembagaan dan komunikasi risiko dengan total pengaruh sebesar 57 persen. Adapun strategi komunikasi risiko untuk meningkatkan kemandirian petani padi rawa adalah: (1) meningkatkan mutu sumber informasi pertanian di tingkat petani, (2) meningkatkan akses informasi pertanian kepada petani langsung, (3) meningkatkan peran kelembagaan pertanian, serta (4) meningkatkan intensitas komunikasi risiko di pertanian di setiap
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleKomunikasi Risiko untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Petani Padi Rawa di Sumatera Selatanid
dc.title.alternativeRisk Communication to Increase Independence of Swamp Rice Farmers in South Sumateraid
dc.subject.keywordaccess to information, independent farmers, risk communicationid
dc.subject.keywordakses informasi, kemandirian petani, komunikasi risikid
dc.subject.keywordaccess to informationid
dc.subject.keywordindependent farmersid
dc.subject.keywordrisk communicationid

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