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dc.contributor.authorNurwidiaswara, Moch. Alfi
dc.description.abstractKeberhasilan pengembangan agrowisata sangat ditentukan oleh lokasi yang mempunyai potensi lingkungan alam, letak geografis, jenis produk atau komoditas pertanian yang dihasilkan, serta sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan rancangan model bisnis Agrowisata Desa Pasir Eurih melalui metode customer development yang difokuskan pada tahapan customer discovery. Pengembangan agrowisata berlokasi di Kampung Dukuh Menteng RT. 02/08, Desa Pasir Eurih. Elemen business model canvas (BMC) dirumuskan menggunakan metode customer discovery berdasarkan hasil pengujian masalah dan pengujian solusi di lapangan. Berdasarkan uji solusi, elemen BMC menghasilkan: customer segments wisatawan individu, keluarga, dan institusi berusia 5-50 tahun; value propositions kenyamanan pelayanan, berbagai fasilitas yang lengkap dan paket kunjungan kegiatan pertanian; channels langsung dan tidak langsung; customer relationships souvenir, foto dokumentasi, dan pelayanan yang ramah; key partnerships pemasok bahan baku, Traveloka, dan restoran; key activities pembenihan hingga panen, pemeliharaan, produksi, pemasaran, dan pelayanan; key resources sumberdaya berupa fisik, intelektual, manusia, dan finansial; cost structures biaya tetap dan biaya variabel; revenue streams penjualan paket kunjungan dan penyewaan. Setelah dilakukannya verifikasi BMC, perlu dilakukan tahap customer validation agar model bisnis dapat
dc.description.sponsorshipThe success of agro-tourism development is largely determined by the location of the agricultural sector, agricultural-based activities, and the existence of intensive and mutually supportive interactions between agricultural activities and tourism. This study aims to formulate a business model design for the Agro-tourism of Pasir Eurih Village through the customer development method that focused on the customer discovery stage. Agro-tourism development is located in the district of Dukuh Menteng, RT 02/08, Pasir Eurih Village. Meanwhile, to identify respondents, this study carried out online for tourist who were in the cities around Bogor from February to April 2020. The business model canvas elements are formulated based on the results of problem testing and solution testing in the field. Based on the solution test, the results of the business model canvas elements are: customer segments are individual, family, and institutional tourists from Jabodetabek which the age range is 5-50 years old; value proposition of convenience of services, a variety of complete facilities, and tour package for agricultural activities; direct and indirect channels; customer relationship for souvenir, documentation photos, and friendly service; revenue streams are from package selling and leasing asset; key partnerships for supplier of agricultural raw materials, Traveloka, and restaurants; key activities from hatchery to harvesting, maintenances, productions, marketings, and services; key resources in the form of physical resources, intellectual resources, and financial resources; cost structures are fixed and variable costs. The results obtained are a verified business model canvas and an agro-tourism prototype. After verification of business model canvas, it is necessary to carry out the customer validation stage, so that the business model can be
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleRancangan Model Bisnis Agrowisata Desa Pasir Eurih, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordAgro-tourism of Pasir Eurih Villageid
dc.subject.keywordcustomer discoveryid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness model canvasid
dc.subject.keywordcustomer validationid

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