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dc.contributor.advisorTriadiati, Triadiati
dc.contributor.advisorNuroniah, Hani Sitti
dc.contributor.authorPermatasari, Nurul Husna
dc.description.abstractKetersediaan air pada lahan gambut berpengaruh terhadap morfologi dan karakter pembuluh xilem batang di antaranya konduktivitas hidrolik (Kh) pembuluh xilem batang pohon yang hidup di lahan tersebut. Penelitian terhadap morfologi dan karakter pembuluh xilem batang tumbuhan gambut saat mengalami genangan dan kekeringan belum pernah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan morfologi dan karakter pembuluh xilem batang Shorea balangeran, Cratoxylon arborescens, Dyera polyphylla, Campnosperma coriaceum, dan Combretocarpus rotundatus saat mengalami cekaman. Sampel penampang melintang batang dianalisis menggunakan Adobe Photoshop dan imageJ. Perlakuan yang digunakan ialah perbedaan musim dan lokasi sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi faktor musim dan lokasi berpengaruh terhadap morfologi batang C. rotundatus dan kerapatan xilem batang D. polyphylla. Perbedaan musim berpengaruh terhadap diameter batang C. arborescens dan luas xilem batang C. coriaceum. Perbedaan lokasi berpengaruh terhadap morfologi batang D. polyphylla, jumlah, diameter, dan luas lumen batang S. balangeran, serta jumlah, kerapatan dan diameter xilem batang C. coriaceum. Adanya lentisel dengan kerapatan yang tinggi saat kondisi tergenang menunjukkan perubahan morfologi batang. Karakter pembuluh xilem batang berpengaruh terhadap nilai Kh pembuluh xilem batang. Nilai Kh pembuluh xilem batang C. coriaceum dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan musim, sedangkan pada batang S. balangeran dipengaruhi perbedaan lokasi. Semakin sedikit jumlah xilem dan semakin sempit ukuran pembuluh xylem, maka nilai Kh pembuluh xilem semakin
dc.description.abstractThe availability of water in peatlands affects the morphology and character of the xylem vessels, including the hydraulic conductivity (Kh) of the xylem vessels of tree trunks that live in the peatland. Research on the morphology and character of the xylem vessels of peat stems when experiencing inundation and drought has never been carried out. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the differences in morphology and character of the xylem vessels of Shorea balangeran, Cratoxylon arborescens, Dyera polyphylla, Campnosperma coriaceum, and Combretocarpus rotundatus during stress. Cross-sectional stem samples were analyzed using Adobe Photoshop and imageJ. The treatments used were the difference in season and location of the sample. The results showed that the interaction between season and location affected stem morphology of C. rotundatus and the xylem density of D. polyphylla stem. The different seasons affected the stem diameter of C. arborescens and the xylem area of C. coriaceum stem. The difference in location affected the morphology of the stem of D. polyphylla, the number, diameter, and lumen area of the S. balangeran stem, as well as the number, density, and xylem diameter of the stem of C. coriaceum. The presence of lenticels with a high density during flooded conditions indicates a change in stem morphology. The character of stem xylem vessels affects the Kh of stem xylem vessels. The Kh of xylem vessels of the C. coriaceum stem was influenced by the difference in season, while the stem of S. balangeran was influenced by differences in location. The less amount and smaller the size of xylem vessels, due to the lower of xylem vessels
dc.description.sponsorshipPartnership for Enhanced Engangement in Research (PEER) USAIDid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleMorfologi Batang dan Karakter Pembuluh Xilem Batang Tumbuhan di Lahan Gambutid
dc.title.alternativeStem Morphology and Xylem Vessels Character in Peatland Plantsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordkonduktivitas hidrolikid
dc.subject.keywordhydraulic conductivityid

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