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dc.contributor.advisorHarlina, Eva
dc.contributor.advisorPurwono, Rini Madyastuti
dc.contributor.authorRosari, Marcella Audella
dc.description.abstractUrolithiasis adalah salah satu penyakit yang sering ditemukan pada hewan kesayangan. Terapi di antaranya menggunakan obat tradisional daun alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) dan daun kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus). Tujuan penelitian adalah mempelajari efek nefroprotektif kombinasi ekstrak daun alpukat dan kumis kucing melalui histopatologi ginjal. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus putih Sprague Dawley umur 3-4 bulan bobot 200-300 g, dibagi menjadi lima kelompok perlakuan yaitu: kontrol normal (KO) diberi akuades, kontrol negatif (KN) diberi induser dan tidak diterapi; sediaan komersil (KP) diberi induser dan sediaan komersil, kelompok ekstrak 1 (K1) diberi induser dan kombinasi ekstrak daun alpukat 300 mg/kg BB dan daun kumis kucing 250 mg/kg BB, dan kelompok ekstrak 2 (K2) diberi induser dan kombinasi ekstrak daun alpukat 600 mg/kg BB dan daun kumis kucing 500 mg/kg BB. Larutan induser yang digunakan etilen glikol 0,75% dan amonium klorida 2%. Etilen glikol menginduksi pembentukan kristal di tubulus dengan bentuk serpihan ireguler. Lesio histologi yang ditemukan yaitu edema dan atrofi glomerulusan degenerasi hidropis, dilatasi, endapan protein di lumen dan nekrotik tuulus, sedangkan jaringan interstitial hemoragi. Kombinasi ekstrak daun alpukat dan kumis kucing bersifat nefroprotektif karena nilai rata-rata persentase lesio ginjal lebih rendah dibandingkan sediaan komersil, dan kombinasi K2 lebih baik dibandingkan K1. Ekstrak daun alpukat melindungi ginjal melalui flavonoid dan saponin sebagai antioksidan dan efek diuretikum pada daun kumis
dc.description.abstractUrolithiasis is a disease that is often found in pets. Therapy includes using traditional medicine for avocado leaves (Persea americana Mill.) And cat whiskers leaves (Orthosiphon aristatus). This research aimed to study the nephroprotective effect of the combination of avocado leaf extract and cat's whiskers through kidney histopathology. A total of 25 Sprague Dawley rats aged 3-4 months weighing 200-300 g, were divided into five treatment groups, namely: normal control (KO) was given distilled water, negative control (KN) was given an inducer and not treated; commercial preparations (KP) were given an inducer and commercial preparations, extract group 1 (K1) was given an inducer and a combination of avocado leaf extract 300 mg/kg BW and cat whiskers leaf 250 mg/kg BW, and group extract 2 (K2) was given inducer and combination avocado leaf extract 600 mg/kg BW and cat whiskers 500 mg/kg BW. The inducer solution used 0.75% ethylene glycol and 2% ammonium chloride. Ethylene glycol induces the formation of crystals in the tubules in the form of irregular flakes. The histological lesions found were edema and glomerular atrophy, hydropic degeneration, dilation, lumen, and necrotic protein deposits in the tubules, while the interstitial tissue was hemorrhagic. The combination of avocado leaf extract and cat whiskers is nephroprotective because the average value of renal lesion percentage is lower than commercial preparations, and the combination of K2 is better than K1. Avocado leaf extract protects the kidneys through flavonoids and saponins as antioxidants and a diuretic effect on cat
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEfek Nefroprotektif Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Alpukat dan Daun Kumis Kucing terhadap Histopatologi Ginjal Tikus Putih yang Diinduksi Etilen Glikolid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyworddaun alpukatid
dc.subject.keyworddaun kumis kucingid
dc.subject.keywordetilen glikolid

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