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dc.contributor.advisorHastuti, Yuni Puji
dc.contributor.advisorNirmala, Kukuh
dc.contributor.authorDharma, Ardiansyah Wira
dc.description.abstractNitrit-N merupakan bentuk nitrogen yang relatif bersifat tidak stabil dan dapat teroksidasi serta terbentuk dari proses nitrifikasi. Nitrifikasi merupakan proses oksidasi amonia (NH3-N) menjadi nitrit-N (NO2-N) dan nitrat-N (NO3-N). Konsentrasi nitrit-N yang tinggi dalam suatu perairan bersifat toksik bagi udang vaname dan menyebabkan stres hingga kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur toksisitas nitrit-N dalam lingkungan perairan terhadap produktivitas dan respons fisiologis udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei DOC 30. Penelitian ini terbagi menjadi tiga tahap, yaitu uji pendahuluan, uji letal, dan uji subletal dengan menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Pengamatan mortalitas hewan uji dilakukan pada jam ke-24, 48, 72, dan 96. LC50 pemaparan nitrit-N selama 96 jam pada udang vaname ukuran DOC 30 adalah 88,88±28,35 mg L-1NO2-N. Konsentrasi nitrit-N pada penelitian ini menunjukkan penurunan seiring dengan lama waktu pemaparan nitrit-N. Pemaparan nitrit-N dengan konsentrasi 45 mg L-1 pada udang vaname DOC 30 dapat menekan survival rate mencapai 55,33±4,04%, penurunan pertumbuhan panjang mutlak sebesar 79,80 %, dan penurunan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak sebesar 85,70%, serta peningkatan respons fisiologis (Total hemocyte count, glukosa darah, dan kolesterol)id
dc.description.abstractNitrite-N is a form of nitrogen that is relatively unstable and easily oxidized which is made up of the nitrification process. Nitrification is the process of ammonia (NH3-N) oxidation that turns into nitrite-N (NO2˗N) and nitrate-N (NO3- N). The high concentration of nitrite-N in particular water is toxic for the vannamei shrimps, and it causes stress to death. This research aims to measure the nitrite-N concentration in the water environments toward product as well as the physiological response of DOC 30 vannamei shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. This research is divided into three steps, which are preliminary, lethal, and sub-lethal tests by using a completely randomized design method. The observation of the mortality of tested animals was conducted at the 24th, 48th, 72nd, and 96th hours. LC50 of the nitrite-N exposure for 96 hours at DOC 30 vannamei shrimps is 88,88±28,35 mg L-1 NO2-N. Nitrite-N concentration in this research showed the decline along with the duration of nitrite-N exposure. Nitrite-N exposure with the concentration of 45 mg L-1 in the DOC 30 vannamei shrimp can press of survival rate values until 55,33±4,04%, decline absolute length growth by 79,80 %, decline absolute weight growth by 85,70%, and increased physiological response (Total hemocyte count, glucose, cholesterol). Keywords: LC50, Litopenaeus vannamei, nitrite-Nid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleToksisitas Nitrit terhadap Produktivitas dan Respons Fisiologis Udang Vaname Litopenaeus vannamei Day of Culture 30id
dc.title.alternativeToxicity Nitrite on Physiological Responses of Day of Culture 30 Vannamei Shrimps Litopenaeus vannameiid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordLitopenaeus vannameiid

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