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dc.contributor.authorAmri, Zul
dc.description.abstractThe financial crisis beginning in medio 1997 that led to economic turbulence has exerted a negative impact on the economic condition. This condition made development performance became quite low and instable. The misallocation of budget also influenced regional development performance. This fenomena create idea that needs a study about relationship between budget structure and tipology of regional problems for optimizing regional development performance. The purpose of the research are (1) to identify profile of development performances; (2) to measure disparity development among regencies/municipalities in the provinces of West Java and Banten; (3) to measure the correlation among budget structure, tipology problems and development performance; (4) to find principal indicators of development performance. These research use the analytical tool such as: (1) Tabulation Analysis; (2) Location Quotient; (3) Williamson's Index; (4) Correlation and (5) Natural Logarithmic Regression. The result of this research indicates that (1) The structure of economics among regencies/municipalities have led sectors in West Java and Banten. Some regencies/municipalities led in manufacture industries, such as Bekasi (82.87 percent), Bogor (49.27 percent), Purwakarta (44.80 percent), Cilegon (61.84 percent), and Tangerang (56.28 percent). Some regencies/municipalities give large contribution in agriculture sectors such as Subang (42.89 percent), Garut (40.96 percent), Cirebon (37.47 percent), Lebak (40.35 percent), and Pandeglang (36.13 percent); (2) There are lack of development among regencies/municipalities. Williamson's Indices for West Java and Banten are 0.4158 and 0.5846. The figures indicate that disparity of development in Banten is higher than that in West Java; (3) The correlation between growth of Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) and illiteracy rate shows negative coefficient (-0.8) with P-Value 0.000; (4) In the whole are relationship among performance of development, structure of budget and tipology of regional problems. The regression coefficient of allocation of education budget is 0.419. Meanwhile the regression coefficient rate of illiteracy is -0.580. This model have P-Value, Multiple R and R Square respectively 0.000, 0.913 and 0.834. All of the result of the research conclude that (1) The Improving of the matching among the budget patern and tipology regional problems will optimize regional development performance (2) The available of competence human resources will speed the regional development performance.(3) The Larger contribution of education budget will increase the regional development
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
dc.titleRelationship Among Budget Structure and Tipology of Regional problems for Optimazing Regional Development

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