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dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Endah Retno
dc.contributor.advisorZamzami, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorAdawiyah, Puteri
dc.description.abstractBenih yang dipanen saat masak fisiologis akan memiliki mutu yang maksimal. Benih perlu disimpan pada kondisi yang optimum untuk mempertahankan mutunya. Penelitan ini bertujuan menetapkan kondisi simpan jangka pendek benih kangkung sehingga mutunya dapat dipertahankan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dua faktor dengan 4 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah warna benih kangkung yaitu hitam, cokelat gelap, dan cokelat terang. Faktor kedua adalah ruang simpan yaitu ruang ber-AC (suhu 16 - 21 °C, RH 55 – 63%) dan ruang kamar (suhu 27,4 – 30,3 °C, RH 64 - 87%). Setiap ulangan terdiri atas 25 benih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih kangkung darat berwarna hitam dan cokelat gelap telah mencapai masak fisiologis, sehingga viabilitas dan vigor lebih tinggi dibandingkan warna cokelat terang. Benih berwarna cokelat terang belum mencapai masak fisiologis, dan memiliki viabilitas yang rendah. Ruang ber-AC (suhu 16 - 21 °C, RH 55 – 63%) dan ruang kamar (suhu 27,4 – 30,3 °C, RH 64 - 87%) dapat digunakan untuk mempertahankan mutu benih kangkung darat yang dikemas dalam aluminium foil dengan kadar air awal 9% untuk penyimpanan jangka pendek (14 minggu).id
dc.description.abstractThe seed quality is highest when it reaches physiological maturity. In order to maintain the quality, the seed needs to be stored in an optimum condition. The study was aimed to determine the proper short term storage conditions for kangkong seeds for maintaining the quality. This study was arranged in a completely randomized design with two factors and repeated 4 times. The first factor was seed coat color i.e. black, dark brown, and light brown and the second factor was the storage condition i.e. air-conditioned room (temperature 16-21 °C, RH 55-63%) and ambient room (temperature 27,4 – 30,3 °C, RH 64 - 87%). Each replicates consisted of 25 seeds. The results showed that the black and dark brown colors of kangkong seeds has reached physiological maturity therefore had higher viability and vigor than that of the light brown seeds. The light brown seed is physiologically immature, and have low viability. For short term storage (14 weeks) air-conditioned room (temperature 16-21 °C, RH 55-63%) and ambient room (temperature 27,4 – 30,3 °C, RH 64 - 87%) were sufficient to maintain the quality of kangkong seeds packed in aluminium foil with 9% initial moisture
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenentuan Kondisi Simpan Jangka Pendek untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Benih Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.)id
dc.title.alternativeDetermination of Short Term Storage to Maintain Quality of Water Spinach Seeds (Ipomoea reptans Poir.)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordseed coat colorid
dc.subject.keywordstorage conditionid

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