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dc.contributor.advisorNurdinawati, Dina
dc.contributor.advisorWahyuni, Ekawati Sri
dc.contributor.authorAndini, Nisa Rahmi
dc.description.abstractJumlah lapangan kerja yang terbatas serta upah yang rendah di daerah asal menjadi faktor pendorong masyarakat bekerja sebagai migran ke luar negeri, terutama perempuan. Migran asal Nagari Gantuang Ciri mengirimkan remitan dan dimanfaatkan dalam kebutuhan konsumsi, produksi, dan investasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan kontribusi pemanfaatan remitan dan sisa remitan saat ini dengan kondisi perekonomian rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode survei dan didukung oleh pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Data kuantitatif diolah menggunakan alat uji Chi-Square dan Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis remitan ekonomi merupakan karakteristik purna PMI saat menjadi PMI yang memiliki hubungan dengan kontribusi remitan. Remitan berkontribusi paling besar pada kebutuhan konsumsi, namun tidak memiliki sisa remitan yang terlihat hingga saat ini. Sisa remitan yang membantu perekonomian rumah tangga berasal dari sisa remitan kebutuhan produksi dan investasi. Sisa remitan produksi berupa usaha yang dibangun oleh purna PMI dalam berbagai bidang. Sisa remitan investasi berupa tabungan berbentuk emas serta lahan atau hewan ternak yang
dc.description.abstractThe limited number of employment opportunities and low wages in the area of origin are driving factors of people to work as migrants abroad, especially women. Migrants from Nagari Gantuang Ciri sent remittances and are used for consumption, production and investment needs. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the contribution remittances utilization and the remaining current remittances with the household economic condition. The research method is a quantitative approach through survey methods and supported by a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and literature studies. Quantitative data was processed using the Chi-Square and Rank Spearman test equipment. The results showed that the type of economic remittance was a characteristic of retired PMIs when they became PMIs which had a strong relationship with remittances contributions. Remittances contribute the most to consumption needs, but have no remain until now. The remaining remittances that help the household economy come from production and investment needs. The remaining production remittances are from businesses built by former PMIs in various fields. The remaining investment remittances are from savings in the form of gold and purchased land or
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKontribusi Remitan Purna Pekerja Migran Perempuan terhadap Perekonomian Rumah Tangga (Kasus: Nagari Gantuang Ciri, Kecamatan Kubung, Kabupaten Solok)id
dc.title.alternativeRemittances Contribution of Former Women Migrant Workers towards Household Economy (Case: Gantuang Ciri Village, Kubung Sub District, Solok District)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordformer women migrant workerid
dc.subject.keywordhousehold economyid

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