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dc.contributor.advisorLukman, Denny Widaya
dc.contributor.advisorMaheshwari, Hera
dc.contributor.authorAzwar, Muh Ali Imran
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to observe the microbiological quality of fried chicken sold inside the campus of IPB University Dramaga Bogor based on the total plate counts. The samples were bought from 12 vendors which sold fried chicken inside the campus of IPB University Dramaga Bogor. In every vendor would be taken 1 sample with 3 repetitions and totally obtained 36 samples. The samples were taken between 1-2 pm and then delivered to the laboratory at Division of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University using coolbox with the temperature of 5-7 ºC. At the same day the samples were subjected to the examination of total plate counts using plate count method based on the method in SNI 2897:2008 regarding the Examination Method on Microbial Contamination in Meat, Eggs, and Milk and Their Products. The result showed that the average of total plate counts in the samples were 8 056.0 ± 17 215.0 cfu/g. All of the samples were below the maximum limit in the SNI 7388:2009 about Maximum Limit of Microbial Contamination on Foods (maximum limit 100 000 cfu/g). The microbiological quality of fried chicken based on total plate counts sold in the campus of IPB Dramaga Bogor was good. Key words: campus of IPB University Dramaga Bogor, fried chicken, total plate
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas mikrobiologis daging ayam goreng yang dijual di dalam Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor berdasarkan jumlah total mikrob. Sampel ayam goreng dibeli dari 12 kantin yang menjual ayam goreng di dalam Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor. Setiap kantin diambil 1 sampel dengan ulangan 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 36 sampel. Sampel ayam goreng diambil pada pukul 13:00-14:30 WIB dan dibawa ke Laboratorium Divisi Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner dan Epidemiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor menggunakan coolbox dengan suhu 5-7 ºC. Sampel ayam goreng diuji pada hari yang sama terhadap jumlah mikroorganisme atau total plate count (TPC) dengan metode hitungan cawan berdasarkan metode SNI 2897:2008 tentang Metode Pengujian Cemaran Mikrob dalam Daging, Telur, dan Susu, serta Hasil Olahannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata jumlah total mikrob dalam ayam goreng adalah 8 056.0 ± 17 215.0 cfu/g. Seluruh sampel ayam goreng berada di bawah batas maksimum ketetapan SNI 7388:2009 tentang Batas Maksimum Cemaran Mikrob pada Pangan (batas maksimum sebesar 100 000 cfu/g). Kualitas mikrobiologi sampel ayam goreng berdasarkan jumlah total mikrob yang dijual di dalam Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor tergolong baik. Kata kunci: ayam goreng, jumlah hitungan cawan, Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogorid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleJumlah Mikrob Ayam Goreng yang Dijual di Dalam Kampus Institut Pertanian Bogor Dramaga Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeTotal Microorganisms in Fried Chicken Sold Inside the Campus of IPB University Dramaga Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcampus of IPB University Dramaga Bogorid
dc.subject.keywordfried chickenid
dc.subject.keywordtotal plate countsid
dc.subject.keywordAyam Gorengid
dc.subject.keywordJumlah Hitungan Cawanid
dc.subject.keywordKampus IPB Dramaga Bogorid

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