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dc.contributor.advisorBudiarti, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorRusmana, Iman
dc.contributor.authorZuhri, Muhammad Syaifudin
dc.description.abstractInfeksi saluran kemih (ISK) merupakan infeksi dengan prevalensi terbesar kedua setelah infeksi pernapasan. Infeksi tersebut sebagian besar ditangani menggunakan antibiotik, sehingga diperlukan penanganan alternatif, salah satunya adalah bakteriofag. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteriofag spesifik E. coli strain C15. Bakteri inang dilakukan reidentifikasi dan diukur waktu pertumbuhannya. Sampel sumber bakteriofag dikoleksi dari tiga tempat, yaitu TPA IPB, salah satu pembuangan sampah di IPB dan tanah kandang kuda IPB. Hasil isolasi bakteriofag kemudian dipurifikasi dan dikuantifikasi menggunakan metode double layer. Bakteriofag hanya berhasil diisolasi pada sampel tanah kandang kuda IPB, karena kondisi dua tempat yang lain tidak mendukung kehidupan bakteri inang. Plak bakteriofag yang diperoleh memiliki ukuran yang berbeda-beda, sehingga menunjukkan terdapat beberapa jenis bakteriofag yang berhasil diisolasi. Ukuran yang berbeda tersebut dipengaruhi oleh tingkat difusi, tingkat adsorpsi, panjang periode laten, serta banyaknya bakteriofag yang keluar dari sel. Kuantifikasi menunjukkan bahwa bakteriofag yang diisolasi sebanyak 3,42 x 107 PFU/
dc.description.abstractUrinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection with the second biggest prevalence in the world after a respiratory infection. Alternative precaution is needed to avoid the overuse of antibiotics, and one of them is the utilization of bacteriophage. This study aims to isolate bacteriophage specific E. coli strain C15. Reidentification was done to the host bacteria, as well as growth measurement. The soil sampled at three locations namely TPA IPB, one of garbage disposals at IPB, and horse stable of IPB were used as bacteriophage source. Isolated bacteriophage then was purified and quantified using the double-layer method. Bacteriophage was managed to get isolated only from the soil of horse stable of IPB, due to the environmental condition of the two former sources that were less supportive to the life of the host bacteria. Bacteriophage’s plaques appeared to be distinctive in size from each other, indicated that there are different kinds of bacteriophages. Those differences in the size of plaques apparently are affected by diffusivity, adsorption rate, latent period, and burst size of bacteriophage. Quantification showed that isolated bacteriophage is 3,42 x 107 PFU/
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIsolasi Bakteriofag Escherichia coli strain C15id
dc.title.alternativeBacteriophage isolasion of Escherichia coli strain C15id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordEscherichia coliid
dc.subject.keyworddouble layerid

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