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dc.contributor.advisorSulaeman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Eny
dc.contributor.authorRachman, M. Jevi
dc.description.abstractMinuman olahraga menyediakan karbohidrat dan protein yang dibutuhkan selama pemulihan untuk mengatasi efek kelelahan setelah latihan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan minuman olahraga berbahan dasar karkas ayam broiler dengan perlakuan berupa umur potong yang berbeda. Seluruh formula (F1, F2, dan F3) memiliki 25 atribut sensori yang teridentifikasi melalui analisis deskriptif kuantitatif (QDA). Daya terima seluruh formula lebih baik dibandingkan dengan produk chicken essence komersial (kontrol). Formula terpilih berdasarkan hasil uji hedonik dan kandungan gizi terbaik adalah formula berbahan dasar karkas ayam broiler berumur 28 hari (F2) dengan kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat berturut-turut sebesar 80.02%bb, 2.89%bk 14.63%bk, 4.59%bk, dan 77.85%bk. Asam amino pembatas dari formula adalah AAS (asam amino sulfur). Formula berkontribusi sebesar 3.1% energi dan 3.5% protein terhadap angka kecukupan gizi (AKG) atlet serta memberikan kontribusi sebesar 13.8% dan 14.8% terhadap kebutuhan protein dan karbohidrat selama pemulihan. Formula juga berkontribusi sebesar 4.0% terhadap kebutuhan BCAA
dc.description.abstractSport drink provide carbohydrate and protein which are required during recovery to overcome the effect of post-exercise fatigue. The objective of this study is to develop sport drink from broiler chicken carcass with different slaughter age. This experimental study was conducted from September 2019 until July 2020. Every formulas ( F1, F2,and F3) had 25 sensory attributes identified in quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). Every formula had better acceptance rate compared to commercial chicken essence (control). The selected formula is F2 with highest score of hedonic test and the best protein content (14.63%) and fat content (4.59%). This formula contains water 80.02%wb, ash 2.89%db, protein 14.63%bk, fat 4.59%bk, and carbohydrate 77.85%bk. The limitting amino acid in this product is SAA (sulphuric amino acids). This product contributes 3.1% to DRI energy and 3.5% to DRI of protein of athlete. It is also contributed 13.8% and 14..8% of protein and carbohydrate requirement in post-exercise state. This product also contributes 4.0% of daily BCAA
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Minuman Olahraga Berbahan Dasar Karkas Ayam Broiler (Gallus domesticus) untuk Atlet Dewasaid
dc.title.alternativeSport drink development from broiler chicken (Gallus domesticus) Carcass for Adult Athleteid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordBroiler chickenid
dc.subject.keywordSport drinkid

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