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dc.contributor.advisorSartiami, Dewi
dc.contributor.authorAisyah, Yuliani Nur
dc.description.abstractKrisan merupakan tanaman hias bunga potong dan menjadi komoditas ekspor utama florikultura di Indonesia. Usaha dalam budidaya tidak terlepas dari organisme penganggu tanaman, salah satunya kutu putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi spesies kutu putih pada krisan, menentukan intensitas serangan dan mengamati gejala kerusakan Phenacoccus solenopsis pada krisan serta upaya pengendaliannya. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan mengoleksi kutu putih yang ada pada tanaman krisan kemudian dibuat preparat mikroskop. Pengamatan intensitas serangan dilakukan pada tiga petak krisan, dan gejala kerusakan dilakukan dengan menginfestasi Ph. solenopsis. Upaya pengendalian dilakukan dengan menguji keefektifan minyak mimba (Azadirachta indica) terhadap Ph. solenopsis, yaitu dengan aplikasi minyak mimba tunggal, sabun sebelum mimba, campuran sabun dan mimba serta kontrol. Metode pengujiannya yaitu larutan disemprot pada tanaman yang diinfestasi kutu putih. Kematian Ph. solenopsis diamati 24, 48, 72, 96 JSP. Hasil identifikasi terdapat empat spesies kutu putih, yaitu: Ferrisia virgata, Ph. solenopsis, Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi, dan Planacoccus minor yang menjadi hama pada krisan. Spesies F. virgata dan Pl. minor merupakan catatan baru pada tanaman krisan. Intensitas serangan Ph. solenopsis tertinggi yaitu 8.72% dengan populasi 73.5 kutu putih per petak. Kerusakan Ph. solenopsis pada fase vegetatif menyebabkan malformasi di bagian pucuk daun sehingga ukurannya menyusut, keriting, penebalan daun, pembengkokan batang serta pengurangan ukuran secara keseluruhan. Gejala fase generatif menyebabkan daun pelindung seperti terpelintir, bakal bunga tidak berkembang dan pembengkokan tangkai bunga. Aplikasi sabun dilanjut dengan mimba menunjukkan paling efektif terhadap Ph. solenopsis dengan mortalitas sebesar 100% pada 96
dc.description.abstractChrysanthemum is the most exported ornamental cut flower in Indonesia. Its cultivation cannot be separated from pests attacks, especially mealybugs. This study aims to identify mealybugs species on chrysanthemum, to determine the intensity attack level, damage symptom of Phenacoccus solenopsis and its control efforts. Mealybug identification was made by collecting mealybugs and preparing on slide. The intensity and population development of mealybugs were observed on three plots. The damage symptoms caused by mealybugs, a certain number of Ph. solenopsis were infested to the plants and observed. Control efforts were carried out by testing the effectiveness of Neem (Azadirachta indica) against Ph. solenopsis, the plant was treated with single neem oil, combined with soap, applied after soap and control. The method is a solution sprayed on chrysantemum that mealybugs invest in. The death Ph. solenopsis was observed at 24, 48, 72, 96 HAT. The identification result shows that there are four mealybugs species, i.e: Ferrisia virgata, Ph. solenopsis, Planacoccus minor, and Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi as pest on chrysanthemum. The species of F. virgata and Pl. minor are new mealybugs pests record to chrysanthemum. The highest intensity of Ph. solenopsis is recorded as many as 8.72 % or 73.5 mealybugs per plots. Damage due to mealybugs in the vegetative phase causes malformation in the shoots leaves reported as reduction of leaf size, wavy leaves, curled, thickened, twisted leaves, incurvation of stem, and reduction of overall plant size. Further damage on generative phase showed the incurvation of bud and flower stalk. The most effective treatment against Ph. solenopsis with a mortality of 100% at 96 hour after treatment on soap spraying continued by
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKutu Putih (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Pada Krisan Dan Upaya Pengelolaannya Di PT. Natalia Nursery, Bogor, Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeMealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Chrysanthemum And Their Management Efforts at PT. Natalia Nursery, Bogor West Javaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordAzadirachta indicaid
dc.subject.keywordPseudococcus jackbeardsleyiid

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