Analisis daya saing dan dampak kebijaksanaan pemerintah terhadap daya saing perusahaan kelapa sawit Indonesia
Analysis of competitiveness and impact of the government policies on the competitiveness of indonesian palm oil enterprises
The objectives of the study is to analyse competitiveness and its influencing factors on competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil products in international trade (export). Two indicators applied in order to analyse the competitiveness were : (1) Indicator on financial analysis using Return on Investment (ROI). Strength of the ROI is used as a criterion to indicate the competitiveness by calculating a risk premium needed by investors in palm oil enterprises. (2) Indicator on economic analysis using a Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) or DRC Ratio. The Domestic Resource Cost reflects the amount of domestic resources used to earn one unit of foreign exchange, in this case is 1 US $ estimated by a shadow price. The amount of DRC or DRC Ratio shows whether or not there is a comparative advantage for palm oil business and its down stream industrv in the international trade or in foreign exchange earning.