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dc.contributor.authorHamzah, Hasnawati
dc.description.abstractBontang City and East Kutai Regency are situated in East Kalimantan Province based on UU No 22 1999 on Regional Autonomy, these two areas became autonomous government bodies since 2001. According to the natural characteristics, these areas include great mining resources, such as coal, oil and gas. These natural resources are non-renewable resources beneath soil resources, while the soils are one of some important life support system, hence mining of these resources should be carried out in wise and proper manners. Mining activities are aimed to get revenues for people prosperity, however mining activities in some area produce some negative impacts, both in physical and social-economical impacts, especially to the environment and people in surrounding mining area. Related to these background the objectives of this study are to analyze local development impacts, especially on economic growth, community development, and suitability of spatial planning in these two areas. The results of this study indicates that mining activities in both areas have provided great contribution to development programs, as indicated by economical structure of both areas. Furthermore, if be analyzed into detail, processing industry of mining is one of the basic economic sector in Bontang City which contributed 86.46% of the Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) in 2003. Meanwhile mining is the basic sector of the East Kutai Regency, that contributes 64.31% to the GDRP in 2003. However benefits of mining activities to the people communities are still less significant. This is indicated by the community welfare of the people surrounding the mining areas are low. Dealing with this issue some indicators could be seen such as the low absorption of local employment, small businesses growth, low increase of local human resources, lack of road building, lack of education and health facilities. These phenomena due to some causes, one of them is that the community development programs of the mining companies are mostly touched higher-level society. Related to the legal institution, the mining license procedures is still less synchronic in the coordination between sectors, or between central government and local government. Therefore some licenses of the mining location do not considered actual spatial planning (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah), existence of land tenure, and lack of socialization to the community of surrounding the mining areas. In addition the mining activities create some conflicts between people and the companies and between forestry sector and mining sector. These conflicts are caused by some reasons, among others: land-use overlapping between people’s land and mining land, low absorption local human resources in mining activities, and low contribution in community welfare development in surrounding the mining areas and misuse forestry area for
dc.description.abstractKota Bontang dan Kabupaten Kutai Timur merupakan daerah otonom yang terbentuk pada tahun 2001 dengan potensi sumberdaya alam tambang yang besar antara lain batubara, minyak, dan gas. Bahan galian tambang merupakan sumberdaya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui yang dalam pengelolaannya dapat memberikan dampak positif maupun dampak negatif. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan bahan galian tambang harus dilakukan secara bijaksana agar dapat memberikan manfaat yang optimal bagi pembangunan daerah dan masyarakat yang berada di sekitar lokasi pertambangan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak kegiatan pertambangan terhadap pengembangan wilayah antara lain pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengembangan masyarakat, dan kesesuaian pemanfaatan
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectcommunity developmentid
dc.subjectmining activities,id
dc.subjectregional development,id
dc.titleDampak kegiatan pertambangan terhadap pengembangan wilayah: Kasus di Kota Bontang dan Kabupaten Kutai Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Timurid
dc.title.alternativeImpacts of mining activities to regional development: case study in Bontang City and East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

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