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dc.contributor.advisorHerawati, Dian
dc.contributor.authorKartika, Ghita Dwi
dc.contributor.authorCahya, Rizki Ardhiwan
dc.contributor.authorAfifah, Rufnia Ayu
dc.contributor.authorWardani, Sarida
dc.description.abstractCultural developments along with modernity provide various influences to the development and acceptance of traditional foods and drinks even by the local community itself. This condition results in a diminution of the role of some traditional foods and drinks that will lead to the process of extinction. Reformulation of bajigur with the addition of soda provides an innovation of traditional beverages trend. It is expected to be lifted back the culture of traditional drinks from West Java. The most three preferred formulas of this bajigur soda based on hedonic test are CMC 0,2 % and soda 50 %, CMC 0,3 % and soda 50 %, then CMC 0,3 % and soda 20 %. After the formulas were tested on its stability on refrigerator temperature storage for 14 days, the most stable formula against changes in pH and viscocity is bajigur soda with CMC 0,2 % and soda 50 %. Results of proximate analysis gave results of 89,56 % water content, 0.33 % of ash content, 0,055 % of fat content, and protein levels of 0,31 %.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
dc.titleReformulasi produk minuman tradisional khas jawa barat “bajigur soda” dengan penambahan soda sebagai salah satu upaya pelestarian budaya sundaen
dc.subject.keywordtraditional beverageen

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